Recent content by Alicebabe

  1. A

    Back from scan, we are team....

    Brilliant! - I knew it would be a girl for you Jenna. Enjoy the shopping! xx
  2. A

    7 weeks old and still waking twice at night?!

    I guess that is one of the evils of mum&baby clubs - just seemed that everyone else's babys were sleeping all night apart from mine which is why I posted this question! It doesnt bother me in the least that he wakes up because he just has a quick feed and back to sleep - I was just under the...
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    7 weeks old and still waking twice at night?!

    Finlay is going to bed at about 9.30pm and goes to sleep on his own which is great but wakes at 01.00 for a full bottle and again at 05.00 for another full bottle (I try controlled crying to stretch this until 6am with mixed success) before getting up at 9.30am. I dont mind because he goes...
  4. A

    Were your babies early or late???

    8 days late :roll:
  5. A

    Advice needed on quitting BF cold turkey :-(

    Well, I ended up with mastitis and was in agony! So couldn't have fed even if I had wanted to - got some antibiotics and had a horrible couple of days with engorgement and lumps, redness and heat but now starting to feel a bit better - thanks for everyone's advice though xx
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    Advice needed on quitting BF cold turkey :-(

    Hi all Finlay is now 4 weeks and 2 days. I decided I only wanted to BF him for 6 weeks so thought it would be worth trying out a breast/bottle combo now to wean him onto formula. I tried cutting out 2 breastfeeds a day starting 2 days ago which didn't seem too bad but today, because he feeds...
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    Newborn baby clothes

    Finlay was 8lb 8oz but didn't fit into any 0-3 clothes. He has only just stopped wearing some of his newborn stuff and he is 4 weeks old now and nearly 11lb! Some of the 0-3 stuff is still too big for him now so definitely worth investing in newborn clothes!
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    Show *update!*

    I had been in labour for 24 hours when I had my show. I was in the birthing pool at the time and it was floating in the water! :puke: :rotf
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    Tips and advice for new mummies...

    *Got to agree with everyone on the muslins - I have about 14 and I'm going to buy even more as we go through them so quickly - I cant keep up with all the washing! *Buy some Napisan. If you use non-bio washing powder for your baby, the pooey stains wont come out. You can add Napisan to your...
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    clitoral pain

    Its not an intense pain but it is uncomfortable in that area when I go to the loo :hug:
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    swaddling wrap

    The first few nights with Finlay, we used a grobag and none of us got any sleep! Someone suggested swaddling and we have never looked back - he slept straight away! He loves to be wrapped up - we were using one of my nan's handknitted blankets but I have just bought one of those blankets from...
  12. A

    how did your labour start

    They started on their own on Boxing day about 9am (I was 8 days overdue). Just woke up with mild contractions, different to the BHs I had been having all week. Didn't go to the hospital until midnight! Lost my plug in the pool about 11am the next day (27th Dec), waters broke on their own when...
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    When did your waters break?

    I had been in labour for over 24 hours when they popped on their own. I was having an epidural at the time and when I felt a pop and a gush, no-one believed me coz I shouldn't have felt it and I was sitting on absorbant pads which soaked up the waters. It was only when I went back on my back...
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    Linea nigra - how long to disappear after birth?

    I got a really dark line when I was pregnant - 3 weeks on and its still as dark. How long does it take to vanish??
  15. A

    Very fast let down, white sore nipples & hard boobs ... HELP

    Just wanted to say you are not alone - I have a very fast let down too and Finlay ends up pulling away, either choking or fighting for breath bless him. They also advised me to express some off but I haven't done it yet as I'm hoping it settles down on its own. My boobs are also rock hard and...