Recent content by Beeble

  1. Beeble

    Well this sucks major ass

    Yeh telling the sonographer was really rubbish, I went today with my Dad as OH is away in Bristol just now and she came through and asked if I wanted him to come in for it...urm, no thanks. Its just a scan to confirm m/c, not a happy have everyone come see scan. The receptionist at the doctors...
  2. Beeble

    Well this sucks major ass

    Hello, just thought I would update. Basically I am having a right issue with getting my needs met with the lovely healthcare system. I was NOT supposed to be sent to the hospital on monday when I updated on here and the ladies there made no secret of it the whole time I was in. I am not to...
  3. Beeble

    Well this sucks major ass

    Thanks ladies, I was at the hospital today but they are rubbish here and basically said they don't have a scan appointment to check if everything has passed till wednesday. They did a very quick internal exam which confirmed that the cervix was open a little, they also took a urine sample...
  4. Beeble

    Well this sucks major ass

    Sorry for the nonchalant title but I am having a mc and it really does suck so much :( I started spotting brownish blood on Wednesday, it eased off and started again on Thursday. On friday it was a little heavier but not too bad, but in the evening I started to feel that I should go to the...
  5. Beeble

    Miscarrying - scared

    So sorry you are going through this, I am also going through the same thing just now so can appreciate how you feel. For me I did not have bad bleeding, just some spotting and light period like cramping, I felt that I was bleeding a little heavier so went to the toilet and when I sat down...
  6. Beeble

    Having a panic :(

    Hey ladies, want to keep you updated. Not good news im afraid. Had some cramping again this evening but was feeling fine all day, was sat on my laptop then went to the toilet and mc - was not in bad pain just like my usual period pain but passed a lot of tissue and what looked like a sac...
  7. Beeble

    Digital test now saying "Not Pregnant"

    Good luck! xx
  8. Beeble

    Having a panic :(

    The guy who the nurse spoke to said that as I was not in severe pain and did not have a heavy bleed there was no point travelling all the way to a&e as it could cause more stress, they said if it worsened I could go through and gave me a ward number but I was not planning on going anyway as they...
  9. Beeble

    Having a panic :(

    Hey, just updating you guys. Confused and worried right now, started to have more frequent cramps this evening and then tonight when I.went to the toilet I had a small blood patch which was a dark brown slightly red colour. On wiping there was more than in the last couple of days, still brown...
  10. Beeble

    Having a panic :(

    Ah ok so I am back again! Had the same problem this afternoon with the brown discharge. Going to post some TMI so if you dont want to read stop here.... Ok so yesterday I was constipated and had to strain on the loo which is when I had the brown discharge on wiping but nothing further all night...
  11. Beeble

    Confused and worried

    I hope everything is ok and I hope the two days pass quickly for you. I have also had brownish discharge randomly yesterday which was a great concern to me as I already have issues regarding dates and being unsure if I am totally wrong or if baby stopped growing - I have to wait till sat to find...
  12. Beeble

    Having a panic :(

    Thanks guys, since my panicked post yesterday I have not had anything else which is wierd. It has not progressed to a bleed and I had no more brownish discharge all night or at all today so I am hoping it was a one off. Will just have to see what the results are on sat when I get my 7 week scan...
  13. Beeble

    Having a panic :(

    I havent had much symptoms at all since I found out I was pregnant, ive just had sore boobs but they are on and off. Nothing else :(
  14. Beeble

    Having a panic :(

    Nope, not dtd in a while :( only strain has been on the loo with constipation (sorry tmi). There has not been any more, been to the toilet a couple of times now and everything has been fine on wiping...only have been the discharge. Dont know what to think, ive got no pain. Hopefully...
  15. Beeble

    Having a panic :(

    Thanks :) I just dont know if this is normal. It is one of my biggest fears and I suppose its worse because I am not convinced everything is ok anyway. OH was fine with the fact that the science was wrong and happily believed the sonographer could see hb. I am not convinced and need this scan to...