Recent content by Bodkin

  1. B

    Losing weight q :S

    I started power walking for an hour a day at eight weeks once my Doc said it was ok. The weight came off gradually but I lost it all within a few months. With regard to exercising your stomach, you need to be very careful. There are specific exercises you can do after a c-section - try...
  2. B

    Pain relief in labor

    I had an epidural with my first baby and it was very good although you have to stay lying down and have a cathater (sp?) fitted - urgh! Plus, my epidural was fairly total and I couldn't feel 'down htere' at all and wouldn't have been able to push (had I got that far!) as I didn't have any...
  3. B

    Normal delivery after a c-section?

    Thanks everyone for your experiences. Let's hope we all the get the births we want. However, I know we'll be just as happy if all our plans got to pot but we still end up with a healthy baby in the end!! Good luck!
  4. B

    head felt funny in sleep

    I'm getting this but the side that goes numb is the side I'm laying on. It goes away quickly when I turn over but it's very weird. I have trouble with numb hands and arms though too (had it with first pregnancy aswell). I think my pillow is a bit hard though so maybe changing that might...
  5. B

    Normal delivery after a c-section?

    I had to have a c-section with my son. I was induced at 42 weeks and after 24 hours of labour was only 5cm dilated. The whole experience was pretty awful up to the point at which I saw my goregous little man emerge! I'm 22 weeks pregnant now with baby number 2 and wondered how many of you...
  6. B

    Scans and Water

    I had my 20 week scan yesterday at St James' hospital in Leeds and I was told to drink 1.5 pints of water and hour and a half before the scan. Needless to say I was absolutely wetting myself. It should say on your appointment letter what they want you to do.
  7. B

    child care

    I agree with Smurf. You have to do what is best for you. In a perfect world we would all have enough money to be able to stay at home longer with our babies but unfortunately, reality isn't like that and bills have to be paid.
  8. B

    Child care Voucher Scheme

    We make full use of this! Between me and Mr B, we save around £130 per month in tax and National Insurance. I don't know why more employers don't offer it, they save on tax too so everyone wins.
  9. B

    What Maternity Pay Scheme Do You All Have?

    Due to my level of service (>5 years), I get 18 weeks full pay and then SMP. I've also just found out that I'm being promoted from Oct when I'll actually be on maternity leave :o Have to say, they're a pretty good employer to work for.
  10. B


    Excellent news! Glad to hear all is well. I also had this type of bleeding for 5 weeks from week 4 to week 9. It does seem to be quite common although if you read up about bleeding on the internet, all you get is doom and gloom. Everything was fine for me too. Just had my 20 week scan...
  11. B

    ticker test

    try again
  12. B

    ticker test

  13. B


    I know exactly how you feel! I'm an IBS sufferer too and went through what you are experiencing in the early stages of my pregnancy. My symptoms settled down after a few weeks but I would just recommend you drink plenty of water and try to avoid foods you know upset your system. Hopefully it...
  14. B

    Another kicking thread

    This sounds like your little one to me! It's still early days to be feeling your baby (if it's your first) so don't worry if you aren't noticing much movement at the moment. Give it a couple of weeks and you should be feeling regular movements throughout the day. I'm the same number of...
  15. B

    Officially most miserable baby EVER!

    Hiya - just wanted to add some comments about reflux. My sister's son had this and was completely miserable - as you are experiencing. I'm glad to hear you have seen some improvement lately and I think trying different milks is a good idea as you may find there will be one that just suits...