Recent content by BumpandAshlee

  1. B

    Whoops a daisy!

    I haven't had a moment like this yet. Once when we first moved into our house in OC I couldn't work out how to work the oven and then all of a sudden the hob part turned on and had this big fire. It made me jump so I shouted omg fire. Yeah real clever Hubby and his brother came running in...
  2. B

    Can't sleep

    The last few days I have had trouble sleeping because everytime I start to relax I have these awful dreams/thoughts that our house isn't going to be done in time for when our baby comes. We are currently doing up a house we brought cheap and needs quite a bit of work. It should be done by...
  3. B

    How great is eBay!?

    I have yet to get addicted to ebay however my mother in law loves ebay. She is always finding bargins and buying stuff. I will have to give it a look when I am buying stuff.
  4. B

    Should I remain team yellow???

    I am not finding out. Imagine the feeling of finding out if you are having a girl or a boy after carrying them for 9 months? I think it would just be brilliant. I really want to know but I am planning to just stay yellow. Also what will keep you wondering when you are at those last stages...
  5. B

    What do you think of the name Blake?

    Thanks guys! I am quite liking the name now. It is going on the list!
  6. B

    Anyone know?

    Boots do quite a good range
  7. B

    What do you think of the name Blake?

    Hubby and I haven't even really thought of names yet however today we were deciding which room to give baby and Hubby asked me what I thought on the name Blake for a boy. I am not too sure on it yet. I like it but I what middle name would you give him and then what would his nickname be? Lake...
  8. B

    We've set a date!!!!!

    Aww how exciting! Congratulations hun :) I remember when we set the date for our wedding. We were engaged for 2 years before setting the date and then 3 by the time we got married. I think waiting made it the more special. Have fun trying on those dresses!!
  9. B

    How did you and your other half meet?

    Just a little get to know each other better thing. I'll go first. I met Nick all the way back in 2003. I had gone away to Portugal during Easter with my family and on the way home I was hanging around Lisbon airport when I spotted this good looking guy sitting on one of the chairs by the...
  10. B

    How much do you trust your OH?

    Aww sorry to hear about your situation hun. It is not nice when you put your trust in someone and it gets abused. Been there and done that with an ex. My hubby I think is a different type of guy than most. I got lucky. I trust him 110% and I know he would never cheat on me. He is quite a...
  11. B

    I'm so lucky!

    Aww thats so cute! I hope you are feeling better soon.
  12. B

    In your relationship, what are the rules on..

    Hubby doesn't look at it, he isn't really the type of guy that would buy nuts. I wouldn't mind if he did as I don't think looking at a picture of a naked girl is really cheating. It is not like it is harming anyone. He does do that really annoying thing though when we are out and he sees a...
  13. B

    Finally picked our pram!

    I really like it! I haven't really had a look a prams yet but this is the style I want. Would have been nice if they had a picture of it folded up as I am not too sure what it would look like then but very nice. The olive green is also very cute. I like indivual colours, makes a pram stand...
  14. B

    Alienated by friends...

    When I lived out in the OC and told my friends out there they were really shocked, happy but shocked I think they felt that I was too young and while they are all building on their careers I think it made them think. I did notice them inviting me out less. I took not much notice as I moved back...
  15. B

    My first maternity jeans!

    I loooove my jeans. I have ever shade inbetween white and black possible however I am actually getting quite excited to try a part of maternity jeans on and know what all the fuss is about. My sister in law use to live in jeans when she was pregnant. Still got a long way for that though!