Recent content by darcey

  1. darcey

    2ww symptom spotters guilty pleasure thread

    i have had unbelievable pain with my boobs i normally get painfull boobs every month (think its worse for me as i have quite enormous bobbies) but this time round it was far worse even made me wake up a few times a night. been feeling sick alot when i first have somthing to eat i feel better...
  2. darcey

    2ww symptom spotters guilty pleasure thread

    thanks every one xxx sorry those that didnt get there bfp this month fx for nov xxx
  3. darcey

    *** October 2011 Testing Thread ***

    just got my BFP xxx
  4. darcey

    2ww symptom spotters guilty pleasure thread

    OMG did frer about an hour ago and i have my BFP......dont think this is sinking in yet !!!!!!!!!!!! good luck to those still waiting to test and good luck for those that are testing in nov xxx
  5. darcey

    2ww symptom spotters guilty pleasure thread

    OMG could not wait till later how bad is that, just did my last cheapie test and i swear i could see a line its far to faint to take a pic of and i really had to look not sure if me minds playing tricks on me but i swear it was there xxxx
  6. darcey

    2ww symptom spotters guilty pleasure thread

    hi ladies cant believe im away from the internet for 1 day and ive missed so much, congrats kanga & deedee so happy for u both. i suppose to be testing tomorrow but might sneak it in later today hehe, will keep u guys posted. symptoms so far: sore boobs - bloody killing me lol cramps, twinges...
  7. darcey

    2ww symptom spotters guilty pleasure thread

    backache has gone down a bit but boobies are still killing me i usually take my strong painkillers but cant take them while im ttc, any one out there know what i could take to ease the pain xx
  8. darcey

    2ww symptom spotters guilty pleasure thread

    feeling really sick today managed to eat some jam on toast but have funny feeling i might be seeing it again. had some bad cramps earlier but dont know what to think as i suffer with ibs, also boobs are still killing me and also look bigger witch i dont like as they already a uk size f and think...
  9. darcey

    Am i? Help Please!

    i can see a line :) xx
  10. darcey

    2ww symptom spotters guilty pleasure thread

    ive had a bit of a runny nose for the past couple of days along with sore throat i just thought i had a cold coming didnt think it could be a symptom.....thats cheered me up a bit i only have 1 test left so either should stop my self from testing again early or had better take a trip to pound...
  11. darcey

    2ww symptom spotters guilty pleasure thread

    right i couldnt hold off any more so i tested 5 days early and got bfn i cant help but feel down bout it yet i know its coz i tested too early just cant help thinking we aint done it this month xx sorry to those who didnt get there bfp this month :(
  12. darcey

    2ww symptom spotters guilty pleasure thread

    i hope to c some more bfp this month, good luck every one fx xxx
  13. darcey

    2ww symptom spotters guilty pleasure thread

    aaahhh cant believe ive still gotta wait another 6 days before i can test at the same time im scared that the witch will show up. i feel so blaahhh and boobies are still so painful :(
  14. darcey

    Verdicts please girlies :-)

    congrats hun, did u test early? xx
  15. darcey

    2ww symptom spotters guilty pleasure thread

    boobies are very very very painful today couldnt sleep last night because of them :( any one ever got bfp early on poundland or internet cheapies xx