Recent content by Dogre2011

  1. D

    guess the sex, another nub post :)

    just wondering if anyone has any idea what the nub theory predicts for our baby as its confusing me , scan picture was taken at 13 weeks if thats any help :):dance: Uploaded with
  2. D

    nub theory poll

    feignt nub looks girly to me - how much do you trust the theory tho haha :p
  3. D

    Whens best to have another 4d scan?

    think we're gonna go around 28 week mark - cannot wait !!
  4. D

    Concerned... Ultrasound pictures..

    fully clear scan pics are notoriously hard to get, i wouldnt worry unless the sonographer tells u otherwise :)
  5. D

    16 week checkup-what a waste of time!!

    we had the downs/spina bifida test done & got to hear babys heartbeat at ours . it was like a wee steam train <3 x
  6. D

    can anybody have a nub guess please.

    nub theory says girlie on this 1 :)
  7. D

    dreams of my babys gender..

    my oh amd i have bothe dreamt boy & girl a few times each .. so confusing - just so long as its healthy we'll b happy though :)
  8. D

    when can baby hear us?

    baby do the slosh in there lol !
  9. D

    Bargains or freebies???

    such a great topic :D .. if its free, its for meee :) x
  10. D

    November Babies

    we're due november 4th - hoping to go a week late aswell for the barcode birthdate :)
  11. D

    Nub Theory?

    seems mad to me - cant really tell from our scan :p