Recent content by Elfs Mummy

  1. Elfs Mummy

    What will you do differently

    I'd be in a stable relationship, trust my instincts and not do everything my mum told me to do, put down baby when asleep, baby wear more, not live at home and have a baby moon :) x Sent from my BlackBerry 9300 using Tapatalk
  2. Elfs Mummy

    So proud! Fatboy can stand!

    He'll be one to loose weight when he walks maisies 23lbs at 16 months eats like a dream but doesn't stop running so maintains weight rather than puts it on atm. Chubby babies are so cute xx Sent from my BlackBerry 9300 using Tapatalk
  3. Elfs Mummy

    Breast feeding but not

    I used mam dummies but not until bf was established so 6 weeks x Sent from my BlackBerry 9300 using Tapatalk
  4. Elfs Mummy

    Back in hospital ... Again!!!

    Oh poor ella :( and poor mummy I really hope you get to the bottom of this soon so you can go home xx Sent from my BlackBerry 9300 using Tapatalk
  5. Elfs Mummy


    Call delivery they should see you today x Sent from my BlackBerry 9300 using Tapatalk
  6. Elfs Mummy

    Fingers crossed....

    Oh poor little man hope he's well soon x Sent from my BlackBerry 9300 using Tapatalk
  7. Elfs Mummy

    Free and very cheap toy and play ideas thread

    treasure boxes are fab :) Empty milk cartons filled with rice Pots and pans and wooden spoon Sent from my BlackBerry 9300 using Tapatalk
  8. Elfs Mummy

    Had our scan today..

    Congrats on your little princess x Sent from my very sexy iPad
  9. Elfs Mummy

    Sister wants to sell me a travel cot but will I really need it?

    Mine was £15 brand new x Sent from my BlackBerry 9300 using Tapatalk
  10. Elfs Mummy

    Section in the morning x

    Good luck x Sent from my BlackBerry 9300 using Tapatalk
  11. Elfs Mummy

    What happens at a pre op

    Good luck xx Sent from my BlackBerry 9300 using Tapatalk
  12. Elfs Mummy

    Sling Help

    Moby wrap 100 % amazing x Sent from my BlackBerry 9300 using Tapatalk
  13. Elfs Mummy

    Am I being too clingy...

    I only have one room but ms cot was right next to the bed or she co slept until a few weeks ago I changed her cot into a bed and moved her as far away as possible so that we could both have our own spaces she sleeps a tonne better and only climbs in with me at 5am rather that being up 5/6 times...
  14. Elfs Mummy

    Should I give up with the milk??

    My friends little girl did this she's now drinking milk again but hv advised rice pudding and custard etc xx Sent from my BlackBerry 9300 using Tapatalk
  15. Elfs Mummy

    Can you recommend me a playgym....

    Ikea do really nice matts which have sensory bits on them you could then put toys around so he has to reach/ roll to them x Sent from my BlackBerry 9300 using Tapatalk