Recent content by EmmaN27

  1. EmmaN27

    Tiny Bump But........

    At 31 weeks my bump was still quite small, even now I'm not huge. Lovely pics. x
  2. EmmaN27

    Please pray for me guys!!

    Good luck x
  3. EmmaN27

    Booked in for section

    Good luck for Tuesday x
  4. EmmaN27

    The final stretch :-)

    You're more organised than me, I've still got to wash baby's clothes and pack my hospital bag lol. I finish work on Thursday so planning on doing this on Friday. x
  5. EmmaN27

    annoyed with my husband.

    Just remember, as hard as it is, you can't rush perfection x
  6. EmmaN27

    Ohhhhh god :(

    It won't be long now, try to stay positive x
  7. EmmaN27

    Going for my sweep!

    Good luck x
  8. EmmaN27

    Xanthe Rose is here!

    Gorgeous, huge congrats x
  9. EmmaN27

    Mother In Law Drama!

    I'm with all the others, stick to your guns. Tell her you're not asking your own Mum so it would not be fair to have her there. Worst case, just don't tell her when you're in labour! lol. She does sound like the MIL from hell and I really feel for you as you have to put up with her. x
  10. EmmaN27

    **Baby Spammy Is Here!!!!**

    Congrats Spammy x
  11. EmmaN27

    Last week at work....

    This is my last week at work too :) x
  12. EmmaN27

    Will you be buying in nappies?

    Join Asda baby club and you can print off a voucher to get a Huggies newborn starter pack which includes a pack of 27 nappies. x
  13. EmmaN27

    Monitoring - what do they do?

    This happened to me a few weeks back and I called midwife who told me to go up the hospital and they put heart monitor machine on me for half an hour to check everything was okay. x
  14. EmmaN27

    Fully cooked!!!

    Congrats, hopefully you won't have to wait too much longer to meet your little man x
  15. EmmaN27

    Sweep Tomorrow

    My friends first sweep never worked and she had second which seemed to kick start the labour so just let your OH know that it might not work. I really hope it does work for you though and you get to meet your little one very soon! x