Recent content by jaybay

  1. J

    sunday will be 14 dpo

    I'm ok, super anxious to test, I decided to test after work today instead of sunday so I'm nervous/excited.
  2. J


    My cycle got a little messed up, but I'm pretty sure I'm 9 days late :)
  3. J


    I can't do it anymore! Testing after work today, wish me luck!
  4. J

    ANOTHER potential symptom?

    Post update: af is due sometime between tomorrow and sunday, and I still have no sign of her. Thinking I might test saturday. Have the whole weekend off work to be excited if it comes up bfp :)
  5. J

    Lost my baby

    I am so, so sorry for your loss. Sending lots of hugs your way.
  6. J

    ANOTHER potential symptom?

    Ok so this morning I woke up to a headache I couldn't believe. I never have headaches, could this be a symptom? I'm starting to think maybe my last "period" was implantation bleeding, if you read my previous posts. About 3 weeks ago I had a one-day period, heavier than spotting, lighter...
  7. J

    sunday will be 14 dpo

    I will be thinking of you as well! I know about the symptom thing, too. I actually didn't suspect I was pregnant because all I had was light cramps and some fatigue but then I started spotting (and I have never EVER spotted before) and I had this strong feeling in my heart of hearts that I...
  8. J

    sunday will be 14 dpo

    I have had: Sickness (nausea and I did actually physically get sick twice) Cramping (less severe than period cramping but in the same spot) Moodiness Food cravings/aversions Sensitive nipples (not painful but noticeably achey) This wait is gonna make me lose it.
  9. J

    sunday will be 14 dpo

    Bumping out of desperation. Lol
  10. J

    sunday will be 14 dpo

    But I haven't had any frequent urination urges, and my boobs have been sensitive but not super bad or anything and I've heard those two symptoms are the earliest and most defining.
  11. J

    sunday will be 14 dpo

    I'm expecting af saturday-ish lol. Sorry I am totally new to this, and I had some spotting a couple weeks ago mid-cycle so I think it might have been implantation bleeding of sorts. Plus I've had a couple other mild symptoms that I tried to mistake for something else but now I'm pretty sure I'm...
  12. J

    sunday will be 14 dpo

    Is this a good time to test? I have kind of irregular periods (between 26 and 29 day cycle) so the could also be off, but I based it on a 29 day cycle to give myself the benefit of the doubt. Still no signs of af coming around. And this morning, heartburn that will NOT go away! I usually get...
  13. J

    so confused!

    I'm so anxious about it. I wasn't ready for children, but now that there is a possibility that I might have one inside me, it might break my heart to get a negative test.
  14. J

    so confused!

    Hi, I'm new. To this forum, and possible pregnancy. So I recently had a spontaneous period in the middle of my cycle that was only a day long. My periods are usually spot on, so this was bizarre for me. I have had some cramping (not as intense as period cramping, more like feeling I have to...