Recent content by keelie_b

  1. K

    Is it ok?

    wow i bet it was bliss!! I was always told its absolutely fine! he will wake and tell you if hes hungry. he is obviously getting enough callories through the day to be able to go longer at night. well done sounds like you've got a good little sleeper there :D as long as hes gaining weight...
  2. K

    Under pressure to stop breastfeeding

    i am so touched by your replies it really helps that i have support here because everyone else in the world wants me to put him on formula. I've been so touched by all the replies, the last 3 made me feel really good about myself as well. booby :D xx
  3. K


    one thing i've learnt as a parent is never listen to the word "should" your baby it different to any other baby anywhere in the world. If shes happy and healthy at 40ml then no probs. On the formula box it says 0-2months approx 90 mls (3oz) per feed. but what are we supposed to do force it down...
  4. K

    Under pressure to stop breastfeeding

    well all the advice and links have been fantastic thank you, i never expected such a response to yet another problem i was moaning about. really thank you. Well i am going to go to a breastfeeding cafe and see a specialist. Im going to stick with breastfeeding because its what I want to do...
  5. K

    Under pressure to stop breastfeeding

    thanks Beanie. Do you enjoy breast feeding? i really want to be able to and it upsets me that such a wonderfull amazing thing is beggining to feel like a chore. i know that sound terrible but im so tired and feel so poorly. he gets so upset and fussy when feeding and its just so damn hard. i...
  6. K

    Under pressure to stop breastfeeding

    thank you all for your advice and support. i think i will see a proffessional expert in breast feeding and see if they can help but how do i go about it? and whats the best option, a specialist, breast feeding cafe, la leche league (not sure what that is, will have a look at the link in a min...
  7. K

    Update on Sara and Ellie

    oh thats fantastic!!! go Ellie! :clap: :cheer:
  8. K

    first jabs / dry skin

    oh thats good such a relief when its over isnt it. Dylan was like that, just keep an eye on his temperature tonight :)
  9. K

    Under pressure to stop breastfeeding

    basically Dylan has colic and screams between 6 and 12 nearly every night. the only thing he seems to want is the boob. hes not just comfort sucking though i know he is actually taking the milk. he can feed for hours on end though which is difficult when im tired its also making me feel quite...
  10. K

    How many feeds thrown up before you start to worry

    bless her she doesnt sound very well at all id try and gett her to the doctors if you can. the advice i was given is if u cant control her temperature get her seen xx
  11. K

    first jabs / dry skin

    i made sureDylan had a good long feed before going for his jabs so that he wouldnt be hungry, however, in the 15 mins they kkeep you afterwards i let him comfort suck to soothe him a bit. i knew he wasnt hungry so after 5 mins he'd had enough to make him feel a bit better. ask your doctors im...
  12. K

    Nail care..

    Dylans also terrible for this, i kept him in scratch mits because i daren't cut them. but last week as i was feedingghim and he was quite still i was able to just eel them off could you do that whilst giving him a bottle? or get OH to if you havnt got a hand free. i find it so much easier to do...
  13. K

    flippin mastitis - AGAIN!!

    i brought this on myself im so mad. Dylans been feeding for hours on end every evening and last night i was so tired and so drained that i gave him formula. through the night i felt uncomfortably full and my boob just got more and more painfull as the night progressed. i woke up this morning...
  14. K

    Approraching my 4th hour of feeding-cant be right HELP!

    i wish you could too :cry: :cry: i dont know what to do i feel so useless. OHs giving me a 5 min break
  15. K

    Approraching my 4th hour of feeding-cant be right HELP!

    tonight is exactly the same :cry: :cry: His poo is VERY dark green so im trying to keep him on the same side for a lot longer. his temperature is fine. he is so upset. screaming and screaming and crying real tears :cry: :cry: