Recent content by -Kelly-

  1. K

    Any other 1 yr olds who haven't said 1st word yet?

    Oliver hasn't said anything yet, not even dada etc. He doesn't really babble either, but he does make noises and has a good understanding of what we say (can point to things in books if we ask him where the dog is, understands 'commands' like go upstairs etc). He also clicks his tongue :) I...
  2. K

    Baby Naming Day?

    I had a naming day for Oliver, we hired out a function hall, I wrote the script (taking ideas from a ceremony book) and my mum delivered it. I was going to pay a someone from the humanist society to do it but it was obviously much cheaper to just write my own and it was actually nice that it was...
  3. K

    Growing out of sling already - don't know what to buy next!

    I'd also recommend a mei tai, or if you prefer you can get soft structured carriers like the connecta/ergo etc that are slightly more similar to what you have now in that they have buckles rather than being completely tied on.
  4. K

    teeth grinding

    Oliver grinds his teeth sometimes, he seems to go through phases of a couple of days of doing it then he'll stop for a week or two. I'm fairly sure it's just a normal part of teething for a lot of babies, I remember my cousins doing it when they were babies too, it does send shivers down my...
  5. K

    How tall is your 13/14 month old?

    Oliver was either 82 or 92 cm (I can't remember now!) when I had him measured about 2 weeks ago - on the 99.6th %ile anway. I'm 5'8/9" though and there are a lot of tall people on both sides of the family, so I was never expecting a little one!
  6. K

    Oral thrush - feel like a bad mummy :(

    Oliver seems really prone to thrush, he's had it a good 6 or 7 times now, the first time when he was 5 weeks old. I don't think it's necessarily down to how well you sterilise, he's never had a bottle or a dummy and still gets it - it certainly doesn't make you bad mummy! :hug: I use daktarin...
  7. K

    How often do you breast feed your lo at 12 months?

    Oliver still feeds on demand (he signs it) which is quite a lot through the day, and then I usually feed him to sleep for his nap and at bedtime too. It can be up to 10 times, but then quite a few of those are just a minute or two.. a few sips and he runs off to play again! Then maybe another...
  8. K

    Wanted: fenugreek or mother's helper tea

    I'm slightly worried about my supply - if anyone has some left over they no longer need, or some for sale, I would appreciate it :)
  9. K

    Norovirus :O(

    Oliver's just getting over it now, he had almost 48 hours of throwing up everything within 5 minutes of it going in, then a day or two with just throwing up a couple of times and then a few days of diarrhoea. Me and his dad got it too but were over it in less than 24 hours, it was just one night...
  10. K

    Sleeping through the night?

    Yeah, is he sleeping through the night only comes second to 'is he walking yet?' at the moment - and the answer is no to both! I also disagree that babies are going to wrap you around their finger if you don't ignore them when they cry. Stick to what feels right and what works for you as a...
  11. K

    baby wearer's

    I still wear Oliver everyday around the house, while I'm doing the housework, but not as much as I used to now that he's happier to play by himself - I have him on my back while I'm washing the dishes/tidying/carrying clothes up and down the stairs. And when I'm hoovering because he gets scared...
  12. K

    Show Me Your..........................

    My mum made it :)
  13. K

    Help need to boost my breast milk

    Oats are great for boosting your supply, or you can take fenugreek - the best thing to do is just keep offering her the boob, as often as you can. Even if she's not particularly hungry I'd try to encourage her to suck as often as possible, even if only for a few mintues, and offer her both boobs...
  14. K

    Amber Teething Necklaces. Do you recommend them?

    I'd definitely recommend one, we have absolutely no problem with Oliver's teeth - the only symptom that he is teething is usually that he puts his fingers in his mouth now and again. Teeth just seem to pop through with no warning! I took it off at my mum's once to go swimming and forgot to put...
  15. K

    Playing with the boob LOL

    Yeah, Oliver's a twiddler and it drives me mad! No matter how well I cover the other boob he insists on fishing it out and twisting my nipple as if he's trying to tune a radio. Or his other favourite game is to suck as hard as he can and pull as hard as he can in the other direction so my boob...