Recent content by L4ur422

  1. L

    First scan and a silly question

    They are really similar names. David likes Harry aswell but I don't wanna name the baby after anyone and thats his grandads name. I quite like Ava aswell but my friends due in March and having a little girls so I need to wait and see what she calls her wee girl. Yeah I started taking the...
  2. L

    First scan and a silly question

    Aww I bet ur mum was chuffed to bits. I was a bit scared of telling my parents and cried when I told my dad but there both really chuffed. Everyone has been really nice about it. My family have been really supportive. Fingers crossed all goes well coz I don't wanna have to tell everyone that...
  3. L

    First scan and a silly question

    Aww at least ur getting a rest. Im 24 and my other half is 25 so quite young aswell but I think its a nice age to have a baby. Wasnt planning on telling many people until the scan but once I told my mum she got really excited and wanted to tell people and then I got excited about it aswell so...
  4. L

    First scan and a silly question

    ha ha I know what u mean. My other half keeps saying ur always tired but its true. Alyways shattered. I only work 8.5 hrs 2 days a week. How long u been with your other half?? me and my bf have been together 3 years in March?? How old r ya?? sorry im very nosy xx
  5. L

    First scan and a silly question

    Yeah I feel bad that he has to give his studies up but he knows if we could do it around it then we would. I was on placement for 4 months but finished that at the beginning of december just 2 weeks before finding out i was pregnant, now im only in uni 2 days a week for 6 weeks and work 16 hrs...
  6. L


    I'm still looking for a text buddy. I'm due 11th august but waiting on my scan to confirm all. I live up near Edinburgh. Let me know if your interested x
  7. L

    First scan and a silly question

    I'm at Uni in Aberdeen studying to be a social worker. I live in a wee Village in Fife though. Im only in 2 days a week for 6 weeks so im staying with my friend for 1 night a week. This really wasn't planned coz were both students but I work part time for the NHS and I'll get maternity leave...
  8. L

    First scan and a silly question

    It's a nice distraction to have though. We hadn't planned on a family yet but were both over the moon about it. I had a lovely relaxing facial today and now struggling to get my motivation for these essays..........this degree will make a huge difference to us and our baby!!! xx
  9. L

    First scan and a silly question

    I really want my first scan but I'm about 10 weeks now and still not heard from the midwife. Hopefully not too much longer. I've had stomach pains aswell but my doctor told me doesn't sound like anything to worry about - ur womb stretching. I'm in my final year of uni and this waiting is...
  10. L

    Getting to know all in Tri 1

    They only last about 30 seconds and sometimes if I move they go away. I've never really been bothered with period pain so couldnt say if that's it or not. Sometimes its a couple of times a day but can't remember last time I had the pain........kinda why im worrying!!!
  11. L

    Getting to know all in Tri 1

    Thanks I hope I'm just being paranoid but so many things I read talk about added risks when ur over weight so I guess I'm just putting ideas in my head. How often do you get the pains?
  12. L

    We've chosen the names!

    Amelia is nice, we like that name aswell but Ive liked Olivia for ages. MY OH likes Maya.
  13. L

    Getting to know all in Tri 1

    Yeah hopefully they are normal. I hadn't heard from my doctor but I phoned today and they have the results from the lab and have an appointment with my doctor on Friday. I've got a really bad feeling that something isn't quite right..........I hope I'm wrong
  14. L

    First time mums to be

    I know what you mean so many different pieces of advice. My Mum says ur not ill u keep doing everything u've always done and others say don't lift that and don't do this. So confusing. A few of my friends have had kids and a close friend is due any day now and another is due March so keep...
  15. L


    Hey Snuggle, I'm due mid August if you'd like to text buddies? Let me know x