Recent content by Laura_C

  1. Laura_C

    Vacuum Cleaners...

    I think with any Hoover from experience always go for an upright, seem to work much better. Mine is the animal Dyson ball upright and it is great. My dad tried mine out and bought one himself because his Hoover kept giving up on him! We both got ours for around £200 on offer. I actually traded...
  2. Laura_C

    Vacuum Cleaners...

    We have a Dyson Animal - best Hoover I've ever had! Only one I haven't blown up or got fed up of because it doesn't work properly - I've gone through every brand imaginable!! Dyson are by far the best - more expensive but last much longer mine is still going years later xxx
  3. Laura_C

    No party for 1st birthday?

    Def save the big parties for when they are older as they will want one every year and believe it costs a bomb! With my eldest we had a family get together at our house, buffet, cake, drinks etc and some present opening. It was nice for her 1st birthday - certainly didn't go mad. I'm just working...
  4. Laura_C

    My LTTTC BFP!!

    OMG!!! Hugest congrats lovely!!! You must be on cloud 9 :) xxx Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months :)
  5. Laura_C

    98th centile?!!!

    I took Sophia to get weighed on Friday and she has jumped up a centile since we have weaned her - HV was really happy with her. She is between 75th and 91st, she looks so chubby and is so heavy I must admit I thought she would be bigger! She had put on 5lb in 4 months! She was very poorly twice...
  6. Laura_C

    What shoes would you wear with this???

    As title, what shoes would you wear with this dress girls? Should...
  7. Laura_C

    In shock

    I'm so so sorry to hear this, it's devastating ;( I had to deliver my son at 30 weeks due to them spotting a problem late on after I mentioned lack of movement, he survived for 2 days only but we got some time with him. He was just too sick by the time they delivered him. It is so very hard...
  8. Laura_C

    Combination feeding....

    Whatever it's called, I use TW and finger foods then, apologies if I have the terminology wrong - not that it really matters ;) Sophia completely chooses her portion sizes either way tbh, I just don't buy thy whole ramming food down a baby's neck issue, my LO completely makes me aware when she...
  9. Laura_C

    Combination feeding....

    This is what we are doing, did the same with my eldest too. She is mainly BLW at the moment, she has yoghurt which generally I spoon feed but I always give her the spoon and let her have a go and let her have a play with it afterwards as she is learning. She has started to have the same meals as...
  10. Laura_C

    Feeling lost :(

    I think we can all feel a little like this at times hun, sometimes just very overwhelmed. Are you and your OH unhappy? You say he accuses you of cheating? It's normal to feel lost like this when you have lots going on sweetie xxx
  11. Laura_C

    Does anyone else feel like it never ends?

    I used to managed fine with one child but since I've had two it's just so hard to keep on top of everything and keep the kids happy and entertained at all times! I too can keep up with the day to day stuff, just about - its the other stuff that's just getting left. Definitely need a cleaner to...
  12. Laura_C

    High Amniotic Fluid

    I too had Polyhydramnios in my 2nd pregnancy, unfortunately for me it was indicative of a problem with baby. My son had Hydrops Fetalis, my AFI was off the scale. They think he had this condition due to the flu virus crossing my placenta and affecting baby. They couldn't find any abnormalities...
  13. Laura_C

    Lula-Mae - 1 June 2012

    Congratulations :) She is beautiful xxxxx
  14. Laura_C

    Anyone use Colief?

    Colief was a godsend for my LO but it was because she had a problem digesting the lactose in the milk. Infacol and Colief do different things, we used them together at first but by 4 months her tummy had matured enough we were able to wean her off the Colief. Tried to at 3 months but she still...
  15. Laura_C

    How could they?

    Jesus, just gobsmacked - cant believe anyone could do such a thing. Let's hope they haven't done it but bloody hell to be charged surely they must have some significant evidence... Those poor children :(