Recent content by lisa282

  1. L

    Three Wheeler Prams

    I dont have any experience with the mamas and papas, but I do have a 3-wheeler urban detour from mothercare, which I love! :D It is very big and bulky and obviously not great for storage, but for baby's sake and while out and about it is a dream. It handles extremely well and we often use it to...
  2. L

    Wedding Q's...

    Thanks ladies, nice to know it can be done! If its going to happen, I probably would do a lot of stuff myself anyway. I have been a seamstress for years so could prob knock up or alter a creation in the dress department, and I know I would enjoy doing invites/favors/flowers etc. I work in a pub...
  3. L

    What's for dinner tonight PF?

    We had a lamb roast, followed by pancakes with summer berries, ice cream and choolate sauce! :oops: YUM!!! :hug:
  4. L

    Nail care..

    I always do Eden's when she is asleep, it's the only way I can do them! She is far too lively and wriggly to do it when she is awake :roll: She usually goes to bed awake even for naps, but at least once a week we have a little cuddle together and I let her nap on my lap for exactly this...
  5. L

    Grobags Sleeping bags for baby girl

    I have a couple of 0-6 ones hun, which Eden has grown out of now, but they are 2.5 tog so may be too warm? I can get pics up if you are interested x :hug:
  6. L

    just wonderinggggggggggg...

    1st was 8lb 14oz at 41 weeks 2nd was 8lb 6oz at 40+2 :hug: :hug: :hug:
  7. L

    how long to concieve no2?

    I had been on the pill for about 12 years when we decided to TTC our first so expected it to take a while, but we caught within 2 weeks of coming off the pill so I never even had a period to learn my cycle! :wink: Obviously knew it wouldnt be that easy with no.2, but we were still pretty quick...
  8. L

    how practical?

    I wore Eden from just a few days old and didnt really use the pram much at all in the early days. I still wear her now much more than we use her pushchair, although we do use both now. Depends where we are going and how long for, and also whether I am chasing round after my son as well! x
  9. L

    How have you hurt yourself?

    Ive had a few broken bones as a kid, mostly from playing football or climbing trees with the boys! :oops: The worst one though was a fall from my bike aged 7, racing home from school down the hill and catapulted over my bike and into the kerb! :wall: I made a right mess of my face, broke my...
  10. L

    Does anyone actually like their MIL?!

    I get on really well with mine :D If anything I think I am closer to her than my OH is, and she always sticks up for me if he moans about me :lol: They live right next door too, which some people would hate, but I quite like it, they come in very handy for watching the kids for ten minutes...
  11. L

    water or dry?

    Ive had both, dry land with my first and then water with the second. And yes, the water really does make that much difference, or at least it did to me! First time around I was glued to the gas&air, and also had pethidine, but second time with the water, I had a few puffs on the g&a and decided...
  12. L

    Where were you?

    At home both times, had my show first then contractions very shortly after. Waters didnt go until about 20 minutes before birth with both of them x :hug:
  13. L

    2nd Baby born sooner?

    My first was exactly a week overdue, and my second only 2 days overdue, so theory works for me! lol x :D
  14. L

    Lisa's shop! ALL SOLD

    Hi hun, yes price includes postage. I dont have the instructions anymore but can send you a link to get them off the net? Some sites have video instructions which can be a little easier to understand so you can follow it :D x :hug:
  15. L

    He won't try anything new!!

    I have to say I completely agree with PP, I would put down whatever you are having in front of him and that is it. No choice about it. If he eats it, then great, if he leaves it then it goes in the bin and he isnt offered an alternative. You will soon find after a few days of no meals, he will...