Recent content by lissie

  1. L

    First Tri Scan Dates

    my scan is 1st November :D
  2. L


    thanks girls! its all so exciting!! so when do i get the pleasure of morning sickness? xxxxxxxxx
  3. L


    hey im new here! just got my BFP am 2 weeks late it took that long to show up! first month trying though so cant complain!! so what can i expect now im 6 weeks pregnant? and how do i upload a ticker? thanks all :lol: xxxxxxxxxx
  4. L

    Home Pregnancy Tests - Very cheap are they any good???

    i have my poundland tests waiting for me as im a week late now! just a warning about sainsburys tests! i used 2 last month and got was a dark blue line..very obvious! and i wasnt preg! :wall: :shock: so be careful with those!! good luck xxxxx
  5. L


    if u had this bleed around 2 weeks ago it was probably when u were ovulating (can happen) i had it last month and thought it was implantation would also explain ur period as u would of ovulated late so should be due on around now instead! or maybe test in a few days x x x x
  6. L

    Maybe Baby?

    hey u say u had 2 bleeds one at the start and one at the end of the month have u come off the pill recently? because it caused me 2 confuse my dates as i had a withdrawel bleed which isnt an actual period and then a period 2 weeks later anyway lets hope it is a BFP u get...
  7. L

    still no sign o AF...for once I wanna know where she is!?

    hiya hun! im over 2 weeks late! and urine tests coming back neg 2! im also trying to get a blood done! let me kno whow everything goes with you lissie xxxx
  8. L


    so my urine results from doc came bak neg! must be one of those rare cases that recieve false poitives... owel.. still no sign of AF.. so guess il wait another 2weeks and see if next one arrives :( :?
  9. L

    Coming off the pill. What to expect!

    hiya hun i had the same thing when i came of the pill and then my next period was a lil late nothing to worry about its just ur body adjusting again x x x x
  10. L

    i was just wondering...

    did any mummys get pregnant by using the withdrawel method? jst a random q really! x x x x
  11. L

    few dots on Boots test ???

    hi all as u probably know i took 2 saisnburys test and recieved faint positive results towards the end of the 10min time limit which got darker... well i took a boots test yesterday morning and had literally a few blue dots where the line should be...but not reaching top and bottom then...
  12. L

    I really need some advice!

    hiya hunni just like to say im in exactly the same boat as u the bloating, the spotting pink before Af was due Im 11 days late and all ive had is negs and one posotive after the allowed time on test then bak 2 neg agen! mi docs sending a urine sample off so maybe u shud...
  13. L

    is this a pos result?

    it was a sainsburys one i was told to try then as they show up early i am 9 days late had light pink spotting last monday and i left the test on side only for a few mins and time limit was 15 so nope
  14. L

    is this a pos result?

    2lines r pos so the test says wat do u think? click the link n let me kno btw tht is jst the exact same as mine only i found that on on net thank u all much appreciated xxxx
  15. L

    anyone recieve false neg results?????

    yer but this was mi 2nd morning urine.. i was half asleep wen i went for mi first wee lol but im so unsure bwt this faint line :?