Recent content by minikins

  1. M

    Now im bleeding! Waiting for call from EPU

    In my first preg I bled on and off every week or so for the first twelve weeks. Most of the time it was brown and every now and then red and I thought game over and it was not. Ironically when I MC in January I did not even bleed or anything as my body would not reject even though it had...
  2. M

    who watched bringing up baby?

    Yep I think we all agree the 50's method women is a turd and not even a mother so rule out anything she says. And like someone said earlier every baby is different and to take bits from all is a good plan. Go with your own instinct girlies ! :)
  3. M

    Lucky or not?

    Let's hope the weeks go quickly this time around.
  4. M

    Got a BFP yesterday !!!!

    Wow you are 10 weeks that is fab, hopefully I will be on for the full 9 months this time !!
  5. M

    oh my freeking god i have a baby :D **PICS ADDED**

    It's so reassuring to get that first scan. Congrats.
  6. M

    Lucky or not?

    When i got pregnant the second time I was soooooooooo ill. However, this time I don't feel pregnant as all apart from sore boobies, so i feel great and hope it stays this way lol :)
  7. M

    Got a BFP yesterday !!!!

    Thanks guys. Nice to be back. Let's hope it's for the whole during and not just a few weeks like last time. Good to see some of you guys still on here!!
  8. M

    Got a BFP yesterday !!!!

    OMG - i can't believe it as I had a misscariage in January and we have waiting a while before trying again as I was so ill. The last pregnancy that went wrong i was so ill and it just seemed wrong but this time is feels so right fingers crossed. I have a lovely 2 year old boy so now the...
  9. M

    cows milk

    HV advised me that you should use cows milk once they are a year old due to allergy type stuff.
  10. M

    Scarlett Karilynne is here!

    OMG, just logged in to check up on you - congratulations and what a beautiful name. Hope you are well after your c-section, they are hard work so I send you lots of TLC! Big hugs from Dom & I :hug:
  11. M

    Lost little bean around 9.5 weeks

    Thanks guys I feel better now and that things are meant to be and that things happen for a reason etc (the hippy in me). I am all talked out now which is good. Once again thanks for your support.
  12. M

    Lost little bean around 9.5 weeks

    Well it's been a long story and I don't feel like going into it all. Been so ill, loads of scans, told bad news on Monday this week, although we kinda knew and had an EPRC (operation to clean it all out basically) on Tuesday. Feel a bit crap but feel it all happens for a reason. Am not...
  13. M

    Womans shelters?hostels??

    Sorry you are going through this, I am glad you are calling someone now as the option I gave is not as quick. xx
  14. M

    Sky Box Office

    Bless LOL
  15. M

    Womans shelters?hostels??

    My friend went to see Citizens Advice and they gave her a list of whom to contact about housing, benefits and all sorts. They are a good center of information for most areas. Good luck babe. x