Recent content by Missus

  1. M


    Thank you again :) It's nice having people say I'm doing ok. And I totally get the sleepsuit thing! And I can totally see me breasfeeding number two until he/she is in uni!! :D
  2. M


    Thank you ladies... I have to confess, I had been viewing it as 'the end of the road' rather than 'oh my goodness, well done for breastfeeding for a whole year!' - ever the pessimist, me! I think I'm holding on, as this is really a huge step for us both, and it's not something we can go back...
  3. M


    Beano is going to be one year old next week. He has been exclusively breastfed since birth (though obviously now he's eating solids!) and I am planning to try to cut down his feeds so he is completely weaned by the time he's 13 months or so. I want to be able to have some time with OH - having...
  4. M

    BF question.

    Oh right - I'm being a bit thick I suppose... I've seen older children feeding standing up, and have seen babies feeding in all sorts of positions, so I guess it's only right he should want a bit of control over how he's positioned when he feeds huh? :)
  5. M

    BF question.

    Hahaha, he's seven months old :)
  6. M

    Any girls WTT? Why are you WTT?

    Beano is seven months old. I originally wanted three years between bubbas, but now I am so terrifyingly broody I've convinced OH to TTC next summer instead, so that'll make about two years between them. I am even more broodier now than I was before Beano was conceived!
  7. M

    BF question.

    Beano is breastfed, but recently he's started acting a bit strangely when he's feeding. I try to feed him when we're lying down on the bed together as he gets really distracted otherwise and doesn't take a full feed. Anyway, after he's been feeding for a minute or so, he breaks his latch, grins...
  8. M

    Were your babies early or late???

    Two weeks late. Worth the wait though :)
  9. M

    The Word Association Game

  10. M


    Hello! :wave: I'm mummy to Beano, who's seven months old. Looking forward to chatting away and getting to know everyone :) I recognise a lot of names from B&B - I posted a lot while I was pregnant but became more of a lurker since my son was born... I was meant to be a March Mum, but Beano...