Recent content by Moomum

  1. M

    Tesco Clubcard Vouchers - How do you use yours?

    Usually spend our on a weekend away with an attraction. For example, a day pass at Legoland and a posh hotel stay to boot. We've had a family (four of us in there) room in a Marriott Hotel before now, with full buffet breakfast included for around £20 in vouchers! It would cost more than that...
  2. M

    fluttering heart

    I know I'm not pregnant but hey!! I used to get them with Roobs all the time. I'd be sat down of an evening, doing nothing and then all of a sudden, my heart would be fluttering ten to the dozen. I hated it. Vile feeling. Still, it went away of its own accord eventually. Hope it doesn't...
  3. M

    Which sauce do you most like to eat your chips with?

    Chip shop curry sauce :D
  4. M

    Just found out my DD has to wear glasses

    :dance: :dance:
  5. M

    Kidney pain

    I'm on anti b's at the moment with a urinary tract infection. I was getting achey kidneys too. Take a urine sample to the docs hun. Good luck - it's not nice is it :hug:
  6. M

    Just found out my DD has to wear glasses

    My little girl had to wear glasses from the age of around 2 1/2. I know exactly how you feel. I was absolutely devastated. I remember sitting at my desk in floods of tears :oops: She is also long sited, as I am. When she started school, I was surprised to find that there were about four of...
  7. M

    Moomum - New Boxed Avent Bottles

    pm'd you :)
  8. M

    Moomum - New Boxed Avent Bottles

    Bottles added above :D
  9. M

    GGRRR - beware of mothercare wide neck bottles .....

    Thats so annoying! What a waste of money :roll: Take them back and ask for a refund. I have four Avent bottles (brand new in box) for sale in the Buy & Sell section if you're interested :) £8
  10. M

    Need something that i can just heat up for Saturday night

    How about something like beef in a rich red wine sauce :D mmmmmm
  11. M

    Smear at 6 week check?

    I wasn't allowed one until 6 months after. I had one too early last time and it came back with abnormal results.
  12. M

    Disolvable Stitches FAQ.

    I was told that mine were disolvable but they wern't! Someone got that info wrong :shock: Had to have them removed manually by the midwife :roll:
  13. M

    Where did Jenna go???

    Awwww - congratulations! I'm thrilled for you Jenna :D :hug:
  14. M


    Congratulations and welcome to the world baby Adam! Great birth story :D