Recent content by nadine

  1. nadine

    *July Mummys/Babies!!

    Hello ladies This a lovely idea, I've just spent past 2 hours settling Lil madam but she's sleeping now, saffy was 6lb 2 so only a dinky dot So how's every one?? Enjoying parenthood I hope What's every ones babys feeds - saffy goes anything from 3 hours to 6 n can wax of 7oz at 2 weeks old...
  2. nadine

    Seriously... How does this make sense!

    I've never held Any one baby other then my own, I just don't feel comfortable, not even help my sisters two as babys I start with sweaty hands n then start to panic hahaha But yet I've got two babys, both born small 6lb n I bathed them dress them do it all on my own, just personal preference I...
  3. nadine

    July mummies!!

    Hey girls keep the faith, With both my two I had no niggles or pains or any signs untill I woke up with contractions, first labor progressed fast 18 hours second over 45 hours but no build up or clue it was going to happen, first was 2 days early second 3 days early Soooooo you just never no...
  4. nadine

    Extreme exhaustion

    Trust it's natures way of getting u ready, between Remy n saffys night feeds I've forgot what sleep is!!! X
  5. nadine

    Opinions please ?!?! Need your help :)

    Yay, I'd prob say she has had baby if she was 8cm b4 Aw can't wait see pics x
  6. nadine

    What does it feel like?

    Ho they get worse, best advice is stay calm n keep focused that you can do it!!! Warm baths really help n keep topped up with Paracetamol Labor for me starts as regular pains in my lower bump n bk that over time get a lot worse n stronger, my waters this time were trickling n I thought I were...
  7. nadine

    Opinions please ?!?! Need your help :)

    It's really hard to say, for two days I thought I was pissin my self but it was my waters c
  8. nadine


    I lost my sex drive completely for the hole 9 months!!! Me n oh aren't together any more (nothing to do with that) but by god now I've had my baby I'm a horny devil!! Bit of a Shame seeing as I've just had a section n I've got no oh pmsl but I'm really really in need hahaha x x x It's just...
  9. nadine

    July mummies!!

    Welllll done hun, glad it went well for you n a healthy size! Aw u will think of a name I bet u end up with the first u picked!!!! All that's left mow is to enjoy her hunni x x x
  10. nadine

    Ok ladies cut the crap

    Both mine were horrible, First was 18 hours to get to 9cm then baby heart beat stopped so had a emergency section but was kept awake - Second 42 hours slow labor, got to 7cm babys heart beat stopped again so got rushed in for another emergency section this time under genral so knocked out...
  11. nadine

    Techniques for Coping

    If say just stay motivated, some times I would start to panic that I just couldn't cope any more with the contractions after 40 hours of em, but I just got up n stayed calm n thought yes I can do it, every pain I'm closer, I found that once the odd time I got up set or negative it was a lot...
  12. nadine

    what is the difference x

    I can't tell u coz for the 2 days my waters were trickling I thought I was pissing my self, it's just clear n smells sweet if u fancy avin a snif The reason I knew was when I lay doen on my side for 40 min, then sat up it just trickled out on bed! X
  13. nadine

    Enjoy your bumps

    Hi girls, first of hope ur all well thought I'd pop on for a catch up!! Lil saffy is brilliant sleeps good n just a joy, Remy taking to her slowly but struggling a little havin to share me but fingers crossed he will come round, Just want to tell u ladies I know when ur big u get unconfey...
  14. nadine

    July mummies!!

    Well done rach n kayyyyy x x x
  15. nadine

    July mummies!!

    Aw n good luck girls just try n enjoy the last bits of ur pregnancy u do miss them when there not in there, hehehe x x x