Recent content by nicky22

  1. N

    coil, good or bad idea

    :wall: i have just had a ius coil fitted, and at the moment i haven't stopped bleeding. lauren is ten months old and told me i am too young for the coil. i am 24 and it will last till i am 29. i don't know whether i have done the right thing?
  2. N

    tooth brush....?

    :) hhi nic and keely. lauren had a tooth brush for xmas. and started to get her first tooth about a week ago. i put a little bit of toothpaste on only to cover a couple of hairs. lauren loves having her tooth brush and now knows that she brushes her teeth when we get up and before her bed time...
  3. N

    Pet Jealousy?

    i have a dog that is 8. she knew something was there but never had any trouble. the only thing that i would say was when they are up and walking, they do chase them! nicky and lauren
  4. N


    hi guys :wave: i was wondering if any of your children have had the top teeth come through first? lauren is 9 months now and has has one tooth through on the top, with two coming next to it, but bottom ones are not through! should i be worried. nicky and lauren :|
  5. N

    Should we stay living together regardless ?

    :wave: hey sabrina, only you know what to do, take it easy and look after yourself . i am here if needed. :D nicky and lauren xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  6. N

    Should we stay living together regardless ?

    hi hun sorry to hear about your bf. it wouldn't be worth the hassle if he was or is living with you. you do need to think of your other son as well as your baby, as like you said, has commented on arguments. i am not stepping on other people ideas, of trying different things to sort out the...
  7. N

    Should we stay living together regardless ?

    hi hun sorry to hear about your bf. it wouldn't be worth the hassle if he was or is living with you. you do need to think of your other son as well as your baby, as like you said, has commented on arguments. i am not stepping on other people ideas, of trying different things to sort out the...
  8. N

    on your own this christmas!

    :wave: :( hi friends, i all wished you had a lovely crimbo with the babies and children. i know i did. well with one thing missing! a male friend, santa didn't put him in my stocking. i was working on xmas eve and it wasn't till my about, half ten i realised one thing, it is my daughters...
  9. N

    1st xmas

    i have got lauren a big stocking and filled it with things, like peekaboo blocks, bits of milkyway, and lots more things. mainly said i am going to get her some clothes in the new year
  10. N

    single and need a life

    single parents tend to it look after their child on their own, with maybe a father to help. my daughter doesn't have that
  11. N

    nearly got arrested yesterday

    hun, i wouldn't bother with him. it is not worth that much heart ache, be a single mum, you will love your child no matter what. if later on he asks to see your child, don't let him.
  12. N

    single and need a life

    lauren is eight and a half months
  13. N

    single and need a life

    makes to us us then hun.
  14. N

    single and need a life

    :wall: i am bring up my daughter on my own, and i have had a enough of being of being single. i need to go out once or twice a month. i live with my parents and they don't seem to realise that i am getting p?!*ed off. i need to go out but i just don't know where to start. i have quite a few...
  15. N


    :wave: hi hun my daughter was like that, and now she is eight months on saturday. lauren used to dribble all the time, i used to say she was teething but her first tooth isn't through yet. if their gums feel hot, just use a tiny bit of sugarfree teething gel. i brought the teething gummy...