Recent content by nikkix

  1. N

    FirstAngel had her baby!!

    Only just been able to get online but Firstangel had a little baby girl on 21st Feb at 7:26am weighing 6lb 5oz and she is named Hannah! She was in labour for 52 hours!! They induced her after 40 hours and she had an epidural but only lasted 2 hours! baby Hannah is on anti biotics till Thursday...
  2. N

    Oliver Peter Winnan born 02/02/09 weighing 5lb 1oz

    Bit late but Ive only just managed to get onto the internet! Oliver was born on 2nd feb by elective c section as I was in hospital with pre eclampsia and he was measuring small so they were worried. He was born at 11:13am and is doing well. He was weighing 5lb 9oz 10 days after he was born so is...
  3. N

    Ive finally got onto the internet!!

    Hi Guys, Ive finally managed to get onto the internet I just wanted to say thankyou for all your well wishes while I was in hospital with pre eclampsia meant alot! Me and little Oliver are doing fine, I still cant do much due to the c section but I am not in any pain anymore and everything was...
  4. N

    Presentation scan this morning and last baby woo!

    Hi guys well I went for my presentation scan this morning and im a bit down heartened. Baby is still breech which I thought he would be anyway so not looking too good, I only have a low amount of fluid around him and he is still measuring small which I think they are concerned about. I had to be...
  5. N

    scan pic

    Looks quite like my scan pic so im gonna say blue :D
  6. N

    35 week MW Appt!

    Had my 35 week appointment yesterday and guess is still breech! lol what a surprise! Everything else is fine, still measuring 2cms too small but they are not worried about that and BP was slightly higher but I think I was just a bit anxious! Been booked in for a presentation scan on...
  7. N

    Kian Thomas - Baby Kmac (Picture)

    Aww hes gorgeous! :cheer:
  8. N

    4th Feb - My induction date! - updated with blood results.

    good luck hun hope all goes ok xx
  9. N

    4d Scan advice!

    I had mine at 26 weeks and got some lovely clear pics so im sure it will be fine x
  10. N

    fed up and in pain and now on crutches!

    Ive had it for the past 3 weeks and its making me feel so rubbish, the doctor gave me co-codamol which are a bit stronger than paracetamol and they help a little but not alot but i dont like taking too many of them. Just hope it goes once baby is born coz some ppl carry on having it after. I...
  11. N

    fed up and in pain and now on crutches!

    Went to the hospital for my physio for my sciatica in my hip and leg and they basically said i have to put up with it coz I only have 5 weeks left and now im on crutches coz i cant walk which has made me more fed up coz crutches are a pain sorry had to have a rant :( cant wait till baby is here...
  12. N

    Online shopping fest!

    At my ante natal classes they said to take it from 36 weeks, im going to go and buy some this weekend and try it and see what its like lol
  13. N

    I know this topic has already been discussed......

    I just weighed myself and I weigh 10stone 6lbs now and I weighed 8 and a half stone before I got pregnant so I have put on 2 stone!! You wouldnt think it looking at me tho im only tiny!
  14. N

    Is everyone ready for the new arrival?

    Almost there, cot is being delivered tomorrow and then were about ready :D wanted to get ready early
  15. N


    Aww thats lovely :D I have that I love my bump top lol! My friend bought it for me! :cheer: