Recent content by piglets

  1. P

    Had growth scan yday :)

    My baby put on lots of weight quite quickly and he was 7lbs at 34+3wks but this week i had my last scan at 37+3wks and hes 7.5lbs so he has slowed down but still just on the top line, im being induced on my due date which is the 7th May. Unless my bp keeps playing up because its been all over...
  2. P

    Due date tomorrow!

    Good luck
  3. P

    c-section question

    Thanks hun, i will mention it- or hubby might because i will feel awkward meeting him this thurs- ive only just got used to my midwife!! I am on tablets for my anxiety so they will know im not just making a fuss for nothing and believe me i would be a lot worse if had stopped taking my tablets...
  4. P

    c-section question

    I havent had chance to mention it to my consultant yet because this thurs will be the first time ive seen him!! They kept changing the appointments so im 35wks and just meeting him this week. They dont know if i have GD because baby was already 7lbs last week but apparently im too late to have...
  5. P

    c-section question

    Not really an option for me to hire a private room as we really dont have the money for it :0( id be ok if i could have my own room. Im not a snob i just dont mix well with people i dont know i feel constantly tense.
  6. P

    c-section question

    I just cant stay in because i have social anxiety, i would be really stressed. Obviously if i was unwell or baby was or something went wrong i know id have to but its really stressing me now to think of being with other people i dont know for days if theres no problem. I might not have to have...
  7. P

    c-section question

    Well thats that then, if offered a section i will refuse! No way am i staying in!
  8. P

    c-section question

    If you have a planned c-section and supposing it all goes well can you go home the same day? Or do you always have to stay in for so long? Can you refuse to stay in?
  9. P

    7lbs at 34+3wks!!

    Ive just had my growth scan today and im 34wk+3 days but baby is measuring 39+3 days and weighs 7lbs already. Nurse wasnt very nice because i havent been able to go in for my GD test- first test was cancelled because i was ill and on steroid tablets, second i cancelled because i forgot and had...
  10. P

    33wks and feeling funny

    Yea ive had IBS for a long time, only that one pain felt like a big IBS pain tho the rest dont, its odd because i usually only get bad IBS pains when ive eaten certain things and i hadnt eaten anything really that day and what i had eaten werent things that would set it off (cereal mainly) i...
  11. P

    33wks and feeling funny

    Thanks hun, i just seem to have been ill most of the time this pregnancy. Im just worried incase my bodys already getting ready for birth because ive got a growth scan end of this month because they think baby is 4/5wks ahead size wise.
  12. P

    33wks and feeling funny

    Hi, im 33wks now and for the last few days ive been feeling off colour. Started off feeling uncomfortable in my stomach i didnt fancy tea and it got worse when i went to bed that night, i was tossing and turning with pains on and off all night, tried to toilet once because felt the need to go...
  13. P

    TMI - sorry!!!!

    Me too!! I feel really dirty and i can sometimes smell myself (how embarrassing!!) so im always washing it and its a bit better if i use pantyliners and i change them often too so i can feel a bit fresher.
  14. P

    Braxton Hicks..Or Panic?

    Could it have been ibs? Ibs pains REALLY hurt sometimes and only usually properly go away when yo finally go to the toilet but when you do finally go its such a relief and it seems to just burst out (sorry bit gross but telling it like it is lol)
  15. P

    SPD making it difficult to get the kids to school

    Sorry not been on for a while so only just seen this, thanks!! x