Recent content by pixie17

  1. P

    what milk you going to get ??

    i use aptamil for my baby. reading some of the posts on here i thought i would share my experience. i went in to hospital open minded about feeding. i said i would like to give brest feeding a go but if it doesnt work out then it doesnt work out. i had the most amazing experience when my...
  2. P

    Wind Wind Wind....

    i had terrible wind during my pregnancy. sound like trapped wind.
  3. P

    Had to spend a night in hospital :(

    i had this happen! i was about 20weeks and i was throwing up at the time (morning sickness paid me another visit) when i felt alot of water coming out. I thought i was throwing up so hard my waters had come. I went to the hospital and they checked me over, checked the level of fluid i still...
  4. P

    Not really a question- but so many emotions....

    hi sounds like you had a similar experience to me. i was in labour for 17 hours then had to have an emergency c-section. during the first week my hubby had to do everything as i couldnt move. it hurt to go to the toilet as i felt sitting down was pulling my stitches. it took ages to empty...
  5. P

    day time naps advice please..

    my son is 2 and a half months old and i am very fortunate in that he is already sleeping through. however, day time naps are a bit of an issue. i have been trying to get him to nap between feeds (he is formula fed) however, he either doesnt want to go to sleep or only naps for 10 minutes. Come...
  6. P

    travel cots

    can anyone reccomend a good travel cot? i would like an easy to use one which will last a long time as i would also like to use it as a kind of play area when i have to leave the room. i would like one which has two levels.
  7. P

    sleeping through

    thanks ladies. i think establishing a bedtime routine fromwhen he was a week old helped. at 6.30pm its naked dance (kicking around without his clothes on - he loves it!), bath, bottle, bed.
  8. P

    what make bottles to use ??

    My son has a lot of trapped wind. i have used NUK in the childrens hospital - i felt it led him to drink the milk too fast which made his trapped wind worse. i use Dr Brown bottles. compared to NUK, the Dr Browns didnt seem to lead him to have so much trapped wind.
  9. P

    sleeping through

    My 9 week old son has just started sleeping through the night. He normally sleeps from 8/9pm to 6am. The first few nights he did this i woke him up about 4am to feed him as i was worried about him going too long without food. However, the last couple of nights i have let him sleep through to...
  10. P

    taking less at his feeds

    my LO is 7 weeks old. over the last few days he has changed then amount of milk he has. he feeds every three hours. before he was taking about 120 - 160 per feed. Over the last few days this has decreased to 80 - 120. If he has more he throws up. He has a bit of colic which has left him...
  11. P

    strong smelling urine 7 week old

    my 7 weeks old son has strong smelling urine. at first i thought it may be the fennel tea i was giving him for his colic however the smell has continued since i stopped giving him it. but then i thought it was the nappies - Pampers, has anyone else had this?
  12. P

    colic/sleepy baby - please advise

    just looking for some advice. my 7 weeks old son has colic. he doesnt settle when put on his back and has had an uncomfortable night. he has been asleep but he was tossing throughout so i think this was wind bothering him? he settled on my chest when i picked him up and got a bit better...
  13. P

    Sleeping bags

    gro bags can be used from 8lbs 4ozs. i started using when my LO starting kicking his way out of his swaddle blanket. they are good but its difficult to wind him when he is in it so i take him out but the he wakes up when i put him back in it..
  14. P


    I would say baby einstein playmats
  15. P

    when did your baby know you were mum?

    how long did it take before you noticed that your LO demonstrated that he knew who you were (ie. his mum) eg. preferred being comforted by you more than anyone else?