Recent content by RAFMrs

  1. R

    To weight watchers or not to weight watchers??

    Doing weight watchs while ttc is fine but you won't be able to follow it when pregnant, have you thought about slimming world which you can still follow while pregnant etc ?
  2. R

    dont know how much more i can take!!

    Oh hun I know how you feel, we have been trying for 4 years now without even a sniff of a bfp and it feels like everyone we know have got pregnant there first month trying in that time, many on there 2nd baby and one friend on there 3rd! I just don't get how they have got pregnant so quickly...
  3. R

    Blood tests

    Yes that's makes sense, my doctor does say that cd 21 bloods are better to be done slightly late then early. Do you do your bbt? I'm 4 years in to this ttc now and still learning x
  4. R

    Blood tests

    Do you know when you ovulate? Do you have a 28 day cycle? The day 21 bloods tests should be done 7 days after you have ovulated, so for me this is cd26.
  5. R


    I got a babymad one off an eBay shop, been fab and has a last Reading memory function. Plus you can replace the batteries in it.
  6. R

    what vits are your oh on?

    My dh is on the zita west vits (normal and boost) they are expensive but have very good reviews but we have a male factor problem too!
  7. R

    What do you have for breakfast?

    Because we just feel like you eat over Christmas we are changing this year, going to have some bubbly while doing presents, then out starter will be about 12 (first food of day), main about 3pm and then desert when we are ready in the evening.
  8. R

    Ok, so don't laugh...

    Go for it. The lady I use to see was fully trained in the needle bit but not allowed to give out any tablets etc as she hadn't done that course. She still charged 40 euros per appointment and trained to be able to do tablets at the same time (iykwim). Her books were always totally full. As she...
  9. R

    Low progesterone ~ not Ovulating :(

    That's good then, I think my doc said to have them with evening meal so I am at home incase of side effects :-)
  10. R

    Low progesterone ~ not Ovulating :(

    Could you have another bloodtests 7 days from the last one to check the levels then, that's how my doc did it? Also I'm sure your doc told you but start your metformin on the lowest dose and have with evening meal to help with side effects and then build the dose slowly. What dose does your doc...
  11. R

    Tests back!

    That's great news but def worth getting a copy of the results to see for yourself what they say, just get hubby to ask for a copy! 1 step closer!!
  12. R

    People using FF

    I'm on my phone so can't see if your chart is in your signatory , any chance you could load a pic of your chart to look at? But yes it is very possible to drop below coverline and come back up again, could be an implantation dip x
  13. R

    Feeling very down

    Looking at your chart I don't think you have ovulated yet, my advice would be to keep bding every other day and see what the next few temps come out like x
  14. R

    Feeling very down

    Temping is more accurate. Your temps are low like mine are, have you ever had your thyroid checked at the docs? But a lot of people naturally have a low temp and conceive without any problems but just check if you have any side effects of a thyroid problem. Do you chart on fertility friend? x
  15. R

    Amy Winehouse

    Rip amy