Recent content by sally12

  1. S

    Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

    Hi everyone Sookie - the news is terrible, it must be very worrying. Im really hoping that you get some good in news in the form of a BFP today/tomorrow! :pray: ROM- George is super cute, no wonder you are thinking of having another! just remember that at this newborn stage they do a lot of...
  2. S

    oh no, green poop!

    Hi ladies I need some help! My 10 week old girl, isla, as been pretty good at night for quite a few weeks now, only waking for one really good feed a night (I breastfeed). However for the past 5 days she has decided to wake every 3 or 4 hours but she is only feeding for about 10 mins at a time...
  3. S

    increasing milk supply

    Do all of the above suggestions and try to have a couple of "nursing days"...cancel all plans and lie in bed with LO with as much skin to skin as possible and nurse him as often and as much as you can. This will send a message to your body that you need more milk. If Zach isnt interested in...
  4. S

    Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

    Well done George and Jane! :dance: Really cant wait to see some pics and I hope the labour went OK. Congratulations :hug: Good to hear from you Sookie :hug: :hug:
  5. S

    Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

    Hi everyone ROM - I am so excited...not long now at all! I really hope it goes smoothly for you and I cant wait to see your announcement! Whoop whoop! Hope everyone is keeping warm at the moment? This snow is horrible. Ive been stuck in the house for 4 days now. DH takes my car to work when it...
  6. S

    Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

    Hi everyone Sorry ive not been on here for ages! :oops: Hope you are all well? So where is ROM? What news?! I am all excited...come on George! Things with us are really good. Im still managing to BF which I am starting to really enjoy although it is hard work because I cant really palm the...
  7. S

    Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

    Well done Kmac! Phew, even Im glad that is over! :rotfl: I feel so tired from all the excitement! I love the name too! Kitty - hope you are OK. What a tough time you are having :( Glad they are looking after you and I have my fingers crossed for your scan :hug:
  8. S

    Baby Kmac has arrived

    well done kmac! you are a such a star! Feeling quite proud of you!! :oops: :dance:
  9. S

    Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

    good luck kitty :hug: will be thinking of you Loola - almost spot on....she is 27 days old (and already has the lungs of an opera singer!!) hope u have lots of chocolate to hand to help with those tummy pains :hug:
  10. S

    Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

    kitty - i would ring too, will hopefully get you some reassurance. I know this is a bit different but when i was in labour i started bleeding very heavily...they never figured out where it was coming from but isla was just fine. Try not to worry :hug: :hug: thinking of you x
  11. S

    Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

    I cant stop thinking about Kmac! I really hope everything is OK and LO is here safe and sound :pray:
  12. S

    Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

    Yay Kirstie! Hope this is the real start...come on out baby!!! :dance: :dance: Thinking of you hun :hug:
  13. S

    Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

    Hello :wave: Just wanted to pop on and wish you luck for tomorrow Kmac! :hug: I hope it goes well and im really looking forward to hearing your announcement! :dance: love to everyone :hug:
  14. S

    Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

    Hi everyone :wave: Today is my first day alone with Isla...and its 4.30pm and we are both still alive!! :dance: :lol: We are actually having a lovely day cuddled up on the sofa watching Atonement and other girlie stuff! Loola - so sorry I missed your birthday! :oops: It sounds like you...
  15. S

    Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

    Hi everyone! Just wanted to pop on and say HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all.....oh and, "come on out" Kmac's Baby!!!!! Isla is doing really well. She loves her food (must get that from me! :wink: ) and also loves her sleep but when she is awake, boy can she scream!!!! I am loving being a mummy but...