Recent content by scones

  1. S

    GTT Question

    I only had one because the MW suspected it as my son was 9lb 10oz
  2. S

    GTT tomorrow

    So glad yours is clear anna x Hope yours is ok too Kelly x They will check for your iron levels too, mine were low so Im on tabs for it now (dont like them tbh)
  3. S

    Beautelle Kaytii Stead

    Congratulations!!!! Shes gorgeous!!!!
  4. S

    Lola's clothes, coats &more! Sling Moses B, Mat clothes&more

    Thank you so much for the gorgeous clothes I received today Lea, love them all xxxx
  5. S

    i am in hospital

    Thinking of you x Take care hun x
  6. S

    Update on Sara and Ellie

    Oh wow how exciting I bet sara feels over the moon to have held her finally, what a long wait. So precious xxx How old is Ellie now?
  7. S

    Update on Sara and Ellie

    wow Ellie continues to astound doesnt she Big Love :hug:
  8. S

    GTT tomorrow

    Thanks for the text today Kelly, I was thinking about you this morning x How come you have to go back for the results, they said to me that they would call if I had GD (I didnt get the call thank goodness)!
  9. S

    Hey Ladies..can you squeeze in another fatty??

    Hiya Jade, great to see you here, all the tri 2'ers are slowly making their way here as the last lot of lovely ladies give birth...that will be us soon - scary!!!!! :hug:
  10. S

    Ive loved you...and now im leaving you!!!

    Yay Jade's coming :cheer:
  11. S

    ferrograd iron tablets???

    Hmmm Im on Fersamal and I dont like the way they make me feel wither, black poo and feeling bloated as well. the pharmacist said to me its best to take them on an empty stomach but some people get cramps, if i get cramps then I should have them with food.
  12. S

    Am I Still Pregnant?? Ggggrrr sorry...bit of a rant x :-(

    :hug: hun Yes I feel like you do, I have about 5 weeks left of work, I think I will finish at the end of march, so Ill be kind of about 33 weeks and it cant come soon enough!!
  13. S

    GTT tomorrow

    Hope it goes well Kelly, it is really boring all the waiting, make sure you take something to eat in your bag for as soon as your 2nd bloods are taken as you will be starving, Oh and something to read as well. xxxx
  14. S

    i am in hospital

    Take care hun, be watching for news, hope alls ok XXXX
  15. S

    Ums..belated hi :)

    Welcome hunni, good to see you :wave: