Recent content by Tiny Sue

  1. T

    O/T but what would you do?

    Three bed three bed three bed! We are living in a three bed and it seems full with just one child even though the spare room is empty at the mo - but we are now converting that for DD so that baby can go in the nursery bedroom (tiny). I think you'd be kicking yourself in a couple of years esp if...
  2. T

    Baby Show at NEC in May

    I would so love to go to a PF meet up - but a - I'll be 8 months then : b - I am in Ireland and I won't be able to fly at 8 months... c - no amount of persuasion will get my OH going there - d - no mun, no fun :roll: Pity there aren't more PF members in Ireland, we could have an Irish...
  3. T

    When will my oh feel bubs move??

    It varies :D I'm 25 weeks today and OH only felt bubs move last week, I've been feeling him/her since 11 weeks! I always feel happier when he can feel movement, though I tend to put his hand on my tum in the middle of the night when he's asleep only to hear a pensive sigh... :D But last week...
  4. T

    Grrr I am up at 5 am because...

    Thanks girls. OH got up at 8 to go to work, saw my red-ringed eyes peering out from under the pillow ( I lay awake till then) and said, "Why don't you go back to sleep, you've had a rough night, I'll bring her Majesty to the creche." Needless to say as soon as I can muster up the energy he's...
  5. T

    Funny feelings??

    Hey hun - everyone is different. If you have never felt it before, then it could very well be movement. I felt both my babies move at a very early stage, about 11 weeks. People shook their heads knowingly and said "wind" - but when I told my SIL (who has five kids) she said, yes it could very...
  6. T

    Shooting Pains - Worried

    Sounds a lot like round ligament pains to me hun. I had them a lot earlier on but not so much now. *HUG* Feel better soon. Sue
  7. T

    Grrr I am up at 5 am because...

    ...I crocked meself by going swimming earlier and doing the breast stroke which means my SPD is bad tonight, I woke myself turning over in bed a few minutes ago :( PLUS I ate a Chinese meal too late in the evening and now I have really bad indigestion! I HATE self inflicted pain.... *L*...
  8. T

    Confession Time - Let's see how naughty you lot really are!

    Wasn't actually too naughty today - Breakfast - bowl of cereal, 2 slices of toast with butter and banana, slice of toast with butter and honey and a cup of tea. Halfway through the morning had a small amount of grapes. Then for lunch SIL invited me so I had Large helping of creamed potatoes...
  9. T

    O/T What do u all do???

    Another teacher here - I am a primary teacher working in the Irish midlands. Our pupil teacher ratio is quite high and has been for years which means I've got 32 9 year olds (third class - which is their fifth year in school), 13 boys and 19 girls. They range in ability from can't subtract...
  10. T

    I have an urge......

    Oh my goodness yes. I am not the tidiest person, but this last while I've been a whirlwind around the house...OH keeps looking at me in amazement and saying "You must be nesting!" *L* Ahh Bless Sue
  11. T

    SPD/ Pelvic Girdle Pain

    oh - just to tell you guys... I found a website for a group called the pelvic instability network. Just google SPD/ Pelvic Girdle Pain and it should come up. There's even a page for partners to show what they can do to support SPD sufferers. One of the hints I picked up as well is that if you...
  12. T

    pubic bone is so sore :(

    Pacha, it definitely sounds like SPD - I have the same thing. Am trying yoga etc and sleeping with a pillow between my legs and a wedge under my bump. That does help with getting comfy at night. Sue
  13. T

    SPD/ Pelvic Girdle Pain

    Thanks girls. - You all sound like you are suffering more than I am...thing is, most people over here don't seem to have heard of it and if they have don't know much, so I don't know what I have to look forward to. I know it can become debilitating, am just wondering how labour etc will be if...
  14. T

    Picture of pregnant lady with Octuplets

    I left a comment on the page...look for "sue". I think that yes, it is very tough for her. I think that yes, she may have made a choice that was not very well considered. BUT I believe that to make comments about how gross it is, how she is disgusting, how she just wants a handout, etc, is...
  15. T

    SPD/ Pelvic Girdle Pain

    Hi girls - I know there are a few threads about this now. I am just too lazy to go looking for them... :D Just wondered - what works for you, seeing as you can't take pain relief? Lately my SPD has become more intense. It is harder to get out of bed in the morning. It is harder to...