Recent content by zo75

  1. Z

    Up since 4.30, fed up!!!

    well 2nd sleepless night. Contractions every 10 mins and hurting like hell. Had my 41 weeks appt and if all this early labour comes to nothing (what a horrible thought!) then I will be induced on boxing day. I'm scared to ring and go back into hosp now unless my waters break so I'm just...
  2. Z

    Up since 4.30, fed up!!!

    hey guess what, we've been going through exactly the same thing! Last night around 9pm I passed a couple of tea spoons of blood so called the hosp and they told me to come in. Tummy cramps were mild but 5 mins apart and lasting about 20 secs. They monitored me and the baby for a while and...
  3. Z

    Could it be the beginning of labour?

    I'll still waiting too, now 6 days overdue, had lots of 'the show' last night then stayed awake till 5am waiting for something to happen which obviously it didn't! my hubby has also taken today to work from home in the hope that something may happen which I htink is only putting more pressure on...
  4. Z


    Hey girls, thought I'd join in on this one. I'm now 5 days overdue and going a little mental. Am trying everything, even had a go at sex last night but it just hurt so much we had to stop after at 5 secs. Anyway I've been convinced almost everyday for the past 2 weeks that I'm about to go...
  5. Z


    Hey I was up for 2 hrs last night from 2am - 4am. I went and sat downstairs with a glass of milk thinking about how my life is about to change so drastically. I also thought about all the other pregnant women who were also sat up like me and all those who've just had babies and were up...
  6. Z

    So uncomfortable

    couldn't say for sure but I got dreadful backache arfound 32 weeks, booked to go and see the physio and everything. Then I had a little tummy upset and the backache just disappeared never to return. I found swimming really helped too and I expect your aches will change and move and the baby...
  7. Z

    Week 39, breathlessness and feeling sick

    It could simply be you're having a tired day, sometimes they can hit you out of nowhere. Bile comming up in your throat sounds like heartburn to me. Very common in later pregnancy. Try chomping on Gaviscon after meals and before bed. It's fine for pregnant ladies to take. zx
  8. Z

    Classes - NCT / Yoga / Aquanatal

    Hi Skidoo, I've been going to NCT classes and they've been great. Even though I'll prbably forget everything they've taught me during labour but I've made some great friends in the area who I@m already meetingup with twice a week. You may still be able to get onto an NCT course in your area...
  9. Z

    pinky discharge

    thanks both, well nothing happened last night, no contraction pains but still am passing this horrid discharge. I hope I don't have to wait too long but judging by everyone elses posts recently I may well have a couple of weeks to go! zx
  10. Z

    pinky discharge

    Hi everyone, not sure if anyone has any pearls of wisdom but all day today I've been getting a pinky discharge (nice). I'm due tomorrow so I gather it could be the thinning of the cervix. It's not the consistency I was expecting 'the show' to be though. It's just like the norml disccharge...
  11. Z

    in the middle of the night...

    Hello ladies, I just wondered if anyone knew why it is that women tend to go into labour in the middle of the night rather than day time? This is the case isn't it?
  12. Z

    Girls I am so exhausted!

    Rosiero, I felt exactly like you do a couple of weeks ago plus my back was absolutely killing me and I never have back problems. The thought that it was just going to get worse was terrifying. Then last week I had a tummy upset and since the weekend I've felt brilliant. It just flushed all my...
  13. Z

    Tummy bug!

    thank you both, wouldn't normally be worried if it was just me feeling icky but when the little one is involved it's different. I guess this is the start of years of worrying that he'll be ok all the time! zx
  14. Z

    Tummy bug!

    Hello ladies, I'm a bit worried cos I've had this dreadful tummy bug which kicked in around 3pm yesterday and has kept me awake most of hte night. I feel fevery and have diaorreah (nice) :oops: all night. I can't keep anything in. Baby Max is still moving around (probably loving all the new...
  15. Z

    How do you feel about giving birth?

    Ree77, your reply was just so lovely to read. All through my pregnancy I've tried to be really positive. So often you hear about all the hardships of pregnancy, the excrutiating labour and then how exhausting it is to look after a new born. Maybe I've had a particularly easy pregnancy so far...