❤️ December 2022 babies ❤️


I’m due on 4th of December according to the online calculators!
I’m 7+3 today!
we had an early scan on Wednesday which showed a wee bean in there with a heartbeat!

we have another scan on May 4th for more reassurance!

I’ve been a nervous wreck! Checking I’m not bleeding constantly! So worried! But so far so good!

how are you doing? Any symptoms? Xx

Ooo lovely, an early Christmas present for you then! :)

So glad your scan went well, must be such a relief! I have a private one booked for the 14th of May when I'll be 8 weeks, seems like ages away though!

I'm also a nervous wreck, I keep getting that 'bleeding' feeling too, it's horrible isn't it.. I rush to the toilet and it's just discharge but freaks me out every time!

I've had no symptoms at all, I'm a little emotional and tired but that's about it really.. I didn't have any with my son either so it doesn't worry me too much.

Looking at your signature, looks like your in a similar situation to me.. I have a son from a previous relationships (his 5 in July) and this will be my partners first child. How have you been dealing with that? I've struggled with the mum guilt a little bit since finding out!

Aaaah I know all too well the run to the loo to check out the discharge lol! I’ve even been walking down the street and discretely had to check for piece of mind lol!

I don’t have any guilt about being pregnant, I just have guilt it didn’t happen years ago! I’ve been with my partner for 8 years so it’s all my son has known in his life and he’s been asking for a sibling since he was 3! But we waited til my partner was ready and it’s been almost 3 years of trying! So the age gap has just gotten so big!
We have a very open line of communication with my son! He knows we’ve been trying, he knows we’ve had losses. But he doesn’t know that I’m pregnant just now but I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to hide it from him, I threw up my weetabix in the kitchen sink in front of him today lol! And my belly is huge (deffo just bloating)!

Don’t feel too guilty though, a sibling is a great thing! Xxx
@Littleperson Sorry to hear it's taken so long, it's must have been so draining.. TTC really is torturous sometimes.. my son took 9months to conceive and this little one literally first cycle, so I was quite shocked, it still hasn't quite sunk in yet!

Aw your son is going to love being a big brother, it's nice that his at an age where you can have serious conversations with him. My son's 5 in July so will still be quite an age gap and whenever I have mention to him about a baby brother or sister he just says YUK baby's are yucky haha

Are you suffering with sickness quite bad?

I've literally had nothing, no symptoms at all really.. it was exactly the same with my son, which does make me feel like I'm having another boy.. but maybe it's just how my body handles pregnancy!

Do you mind me asking how old you are? I'll be 33 in July xxxx
@Littleperson Sorry to hear it's taken so long, it's must have been so draining.. TTC really is torturous sometimes.. my son took 9months to conceive and this little one literally first cycle, so I was quite shocked, it still hasn't quite sunk in yet!

Aw your son is going to love being a big brother, it's nice that his at an age where you can have serious conversations with him. My son's 5 in July so will still be quite an age gap and whenever I have mention to him about a baby brother or sister he just says YUK baby's are yucky haha

Are you suffering with sickness quite bad?

I've literally had nothing, no symptoms at all really.. it was exactly the same with my son, which does make me feel like I'm having another boy.. but maybe it's just how my body handles pregnancy!

Do you mind me asking how old you are? I'll be 33 in July xxxx
Hey sorry I’ve not been in touch! I had some stringy discharge at the weekend that worries me! Got a scan today though and all is good and baby is measuring one day ahead of schedule at 8weeks 3days!
Got another scan in 2 weeks for more reassurance!

I’ve only actually physically been sick that once but I feel like it a lot! Especially when I’m tired or hungry or in a car!

Did you have any symptoms when you were pregnant with your son? By this time in my pregnancy with my son Iwas throwing up constantly!

I’m 32! Will be 33 in March :) xx
Omg that's such a brilliant scan picture! So happy everything is good and little one is coming along nicely for you!! I have my private scan in two weeks when I will be 8 weeks.. time seems to be going so slow and the complete lack of symptoms is slowing starting to play on my mind!..

I had zero symptoms with my son too though.. I was sick once but It was right after a big fry up and think I may have just eaten too much! haha

Im still trying to get my head around going back to the baby stage again!.. sometimes I cannot wait.. then I remember all the hard times and think Oooo god! haha

Thank you so much! I hope everything is well with you and your family xxx

Yeah all is good thank you, willow was 4 on Friday and River is 5 and half months already and trying to crawl. It's going too fast. I've been popping back to check on every one so I'm so thrilled about you  xx
How’s things @Babylove2023 ??

welcome @millielaura how’s pregnancy treating you??

we had another scan on Monday 10 weeks 2 days measuring spot on!

We have our 12 week scan on the 23rd! I’m worrying about the possibility of down syndrome! I just feel like something is going to go wrong somewhere! I think that’s what pregnancy loss does to you! Xx

Feeling awful but tbf feel a lot better than I did with the first two lol hyperemesis seems to of skipped me this time and just have bad sickness instead . The dad has left me also as he gave me the choice of the baby or him. Which has been very strange as my first two with my ex husband we had fertility treatment for and recurrent miscarriages so it was a totally different experience when I was pregnant with those two.

awww look at that scan so cute . I’m sure everything will be fine , it’s defo normal to worry!

I had a private one at 11 weeks exactly and then I’ve got my nhs one at 12+2 .
I’ve just found out I’m pregnant, 5 weeks today by dates. Not had a scan yet. The due date is feb 1st, but I’d be having a caesarean early so it’ll be mid January.
How are you all doing x x

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