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  1. B

    Just looking In..

    ...happy to report however, that I have taken my 1st cycle of Clomid and have been having regular scans and it seems to be working as I have a large follicle that is nearly ready to "pop" fingers crossed DH spermies are up to scratch and Ill be back soon to join the BFP thread!!! *Baby...
  2. B

    Anyone conceived with PCOS??

    Hiya Girls, I am due to start my first cycle of clomid on CD3, that is, once AF finally arrives and I can get to CD3! Have any of you been on Clomid? I have a question or 2.... My gyno has told me that on CD12 or 13 I have to see her again so that she can have a look at my ovaries and see what...
  3. B

    First Clomid cycle with PCOS

    Hiya Girls, I am due to start my first cycle of clomid on CD3, that is, once AF finally arrives and I can get to CD3! Have any of you been on Clomid? I have a question or 2.... My gyno has told me that on CD12 or 13 I have to see her again so that she can have a look at my ovaries and see what...
  4. B

    PCOS Help

    Thanks girls... A&J, the info you pm'd me was very helpful, thanks :)
  5. B

    PCOS Help

    Hi Girls, I just found out today that I have PCOS. I am keen to read up on it and find out as much info as I can. I live abroad and good bookstores are limited here so I am planning to buy a book from Amazon. Can anyone please recommend one? I am looking for one that is easy going yet...
  6. B

    I'm Back Again..FYI

    A big hello again to all the gals I met on here the first time I was addicted to this forum and another hi to all the girls who have joined since I left. I honestly cant remember the last time I logged on, have been trying to "take it easy" on the whole ttc front as it just wasnt happening for...
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    PCOS sufferers

    Hi KeLe101, My gyno told me today that I have PCOS. :( The only symptom that I had was irregular periods. To be honest PCOS had never even entered my mind as a cause. I like you recently came off my pill, well I stopped in Dec 07, and thought that it was still my pill hovering in my system...
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    Getting a bit down...

    So ended up with a 49 day cycle this month so my gyno gave me Provera to induce AF. Today is now CD3 and have been to gyno again this afternoon for a blood test. She is running 3 tests, the only one i remember is thyriod...should get the results by saturday. Feeling a bit low. Hope to god there...
  9. B

    Advide plz..:)

    Hi there, I am currently ttc and am now on CD37. AF was due CD36. Did a couple of tests last week and got BPN's. I am anxious to test again, and if AF doesnt show up today then planning to test tomorrow morning. Thing is, i dont "feel" any different. Is it possible to be PG and not feel...
  10. B

    Hi Again Girls!!

    Hi Girls, Have not been on the site in a few months as was driving myself and DH mad with my ttc obsession so wanted to give us both a bit of a break, knowing that stressing myself out wasnt going to help either of us. Still in the process of ttc. I am however now 1 day late. AF was due...
  11. B

    May Testing

    ...spotting, at least i intend to try not too. Cant remember who it was, but one of the girls told me that she had every symptom under the sun when she was ttc and always got a BFN then the month she had no symptoms at all she got her BFP!!! *Lots and Lots of Sticky Gooey Baby Dust to us all*
  12. B

    OHs who smoke

    Im surprised at the amount of ppl who smoke!! OH and I are both smokers too and like the rest of you will 100% pack it in if/when i get my BFP. I know that i should give up now while ttc but its so stressful! They say that by the time you get your BFP you are 2 weeks PG so really all that...
  13. B

    Hi Everyone!!

    Jade, dont be daft only you know when you are ready and if you feel you are now then so be it, its your choice, after all you are going to be the one having the sleepless nights!! :D A friend of mine is 22 and has 2 kids. 1 is 3 the other is 2. Neither of them were planned, but she wasnt...
  14. B

    Hi Everyone!!

    Hi Jade, 19 isnt young at all, when your ready your ready i say! Im 25 and recently married but i have been broody for years!! We are all lovely on here and always on hand to help. Its hard going all this ttc stuff but so much fun!!!! Good Luck and enjoy! xx
  15. B


    Think today i am OV. Finding it quite hard to tell though as only going by my CM. This morning it was EW and stretchy and have had slight pains which i think were OV pains. Only been trying a few months and dont want to get into the habit of buying ov sticks yet as also trying to save and know...
  16. B

    so upset :(

    I feel for you hun. We are ttc our first, i want it to happen so bad and asap but DH doesnt like to talk about it saying it will happen when it happens - not much help at all really. Know he is just being sensible and for me not to get my hopes up, i do think it will happen when the time is...
  17. B

    Leaving TTC Board

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! :cheer:
  18. B

    Hi Girls, im back!

    :wave: Hello again girls! Been away for a few weeks. Was on a training course away from home and had no access to the net so have been unable to keep in touch. I feel like i have missed loads. Unfortunatly i got a BFN on my April Fools day testing. :( My AF came on at the right time though...
  19. B

    Any help greatly appreciated! * Update - Confused!*

    ooohhh boo hiss! :evil: Thats not good. How long have you been off the pill? i stopped in Dec and AF still all over the place. Due on Monday now. Done 2 tests so far both BFN. Trying to stay positive though. Like the girls say its not over till she shows. Still with my cycles being all over...