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  • Users: star fish
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  1. star fish

    Is there anyone who regrets moving baby to own room too early?

    There is another thread about when to move baby and eveyone seems to have put really positive things about sleeping better after moving their baby to another room, but is there anyone who has had the opposite experience or anyone who would rather not etc? J is 6 months old and sleeps in a side...
  2. star fish

    Hi Friends!

    Hi girls, just wanted to check all my friends on here are ok and still around? I've been a bit over loaded with my grandmother v sick and going up and down the motorway to take her to hospital and stuff (but she's hanging in great guns) and husband working long hours and me trying to get a...
  3. star fish

    Not supposed to lift baby!

    I've pulled a muscle lifting J out of his Jumperoo. It was really scary as my back seemed to collapse and then i fell backwards, thankfully me and baby both landed safely on the sofa behind me but i then couldnt get up! I got in a real panic and thought i might have to ring for an ambulance...
  4. star fish

    Is it me or him?

    I seem to be constantly nagging my husband but he seems to be constantly unsupportive! Every time i ask for help he snaps at me and then we row and i tell him off for not helping and he tells me I'm always telling him off and so we go round and round in circles. I just want him to do it when i...
  5. star fish

    too big for a bumbo

    So embarrasing, I took my baby to meet with NCT mums and there was a bumbo there, everyone tried it but my babys legs were too fat to fit in it! He is the youngest there and one of the women has a little girl who is literally twice the length of Jasper, she is massive, yet her legs arent as fat...
  6. star fish

    When do they take to a teddy?

    J will cuddle a teddy in the car but not in bed, when do they get a favourite that soothes them?
  7. star fish

    Routine Naps? Timing

    Does anyone have a routine where they put their babies down for day time naps at very specific times? I'm trying desperately to establish a routine for Jasper, but every book i read suggests different timings. So I wondered what real people do? He gets up at 6 am and goes to bed at 7pm, but...
  8. star fish

    pulling off breast in pain

    Jasper seems to be hungry, has a few sucks and then rears back looking cross and hurt. I thought it might be something i've eaten making milk taste funny, but i heard that if they are teething then sucking can be painful, but he's only 3 months, isnt that a bit early for teething? Does anyone...
  9. star fish

    Come on Fatties!

    LOL, ok I'm being offensive, but I need someone to kick me off my arse. Anyone want to be diet buddies and motivate each other? I want to make my old wardrobe my new wardrobe! And I really want my fingers to go back down to pre pregnancy size as i cant get my wedding ring on at the moment...
  10. star fish

    how do you administer gripewater or calpol?

    I cant get J to take it! He spits it everywhere. At present i am administering with a syringe (is that what its called? not a needle but where you suck up the liquid and then squirt it out). If i lie him back he gurgles it and chokes and cant seem to breathe for a minute, very scary, but if i...
  11. star fish

    How do i make him nap longer?

    I'm really struggling with day time naps, mainly because he gets tired around the same times each day, but wakes up if i try to lie him down, sometimes i get him down in his moses basket or his cot but mainly to keep him asleep i let him sleep on me, but he never sleeps longer than half an...
  12. star fish

    Up since 3.30am

    J was in a foul temper last night so I started his bedtime routine at 6 instead of 7. It worked and he was fast asleep by 7pm. He woke for a feed at 11 instead of 12 and then at 3.30 instead of 4am. But he wouldnt go back down! He would only go back to sleep with me holding him upright. I...
  13. star fish


    Havent seen her in a while, anyone heard from her?
  14. star fish

    FYI The best toy ever

    Someone gave this to Jasper a few weeks ago and he plays with it every day, it distracts him when he's crying, I give it to him in his chair, in the pram, in the bath, on his mat, basically whenever he seems crabby and he becomes so immersed in it he forgets everything else. Its supposed to be...
  15. star fish

    baby boy foreskins

    Sorry if tmi but do they pull back? I am worried that i am not cleaning his wee willy properly but dont want to pull it back and hurt him. But i assume they have them as Jews cut them off dont they. Or do they just pull forward the extra skin? I asked my husband and he didnt know.....
  16. star fish

    Weight Loss Thread - April

    ...(like in WW). Lets hope this works, its only an idea of how to do it! If you can think of a better format then please let me know. Good luck xx *Sorry for those who have already lost weight, I havent included it because we are just going from 30 March* *I have rounded weight up to the...
  17. star fish

    warming milk

    I'm not using formula, just expressed milk but I wasnt sure about warming it. I know that for formula you are supposed to put the bottle in boiling water til its hot and not in a microwave as you might get 'hot spots' but if its properly shaken up and left to cool for a while is the microwave...
  18. star fish

    Nap times in the day

    What time does your baby nap in day and for how long? Jasper doesnt have an established routine yet but it seems approximately that he has about half an hour at 11am, and then sleeps in the afternoon from roughly 2.30 - 4. I'm wondering if i can impliment a schedule for naps and so curious...
  19. star fish

    tiny white spots

    On his arms and legs, really small raised bumps that are white. I took J to the doctor and she didnt know what it was, she just said that he seemed fine and it definitely wasnt the start of measles or anything like that. There arent many, about 4 on each arm, spread about and one or two on his...
  20. star fish

    pill makes me a biatch

    Went to see Doc about contraception and she put me on the pill as OH doesnt like condoms, but after a week of taking it I am swearing and crying and really bad tempered. I dont think the nookie will even happen if I keep shouting at him.... Is it worth persevearing? or shall i chuck them in...