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  1. M


    I've just given birth to my 2nd as a VBAC. First labour was 37 hours ending in emergency c-section, as I didn't get beyond 9cm. This labour was just under 5 hours start to finish! Little man couldn't wait to get here! :) Had to have an episiotomy, though, but it's much easier to deal...
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    Am hopeful I won't need one.... TMI but lost my mucus plug this morning & back has been aching since, so maybe it's the start of something... I'm hoping so, anyway. C'mon little one....time to be evicted! :D
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    Ah yes....that dignity thing that you're not supposed to lose giving birth, yes? LOL.... C'mon Baby....time to get out of here....:D
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    This may sound like a daft question, but what do they do at a sweep? I'm due next Wednesday, & have an appointment then to see how it's going, in case Bump hasn't made an appearance. At that appt, they will discuss having a sweep, as they don't want to induce due to a previous c-section...
  5. M

    Rabbits and Pregnancy?

    Awwh sweet. :) We've got 3 rabbits & have had them for 5 years, & no problems here. Once had 19 rabbits, when I was younger. They kept breeding & I kept buying! Fortunately they lived in a huge, huge run, with a large shed & 5 hutches to keep them occupied! With regards to having a boy...
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    ladies 36wks onwards....

    We've kind of decided on names...I think.... :) We've had possibles for boys for some time, but I've been running them through my head & have decided that I don't like them now. We had a brainstorm yesterday & came up with some new ones that we both the moment! :D
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    13 days overdue today - please baby come today!

    C'mon baby! Time to leave the cosy nest & see the real world! :) Good luck for tomorrow if nothing happens today.
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    June baby thread!!

    Am due 4th June, if you want to add me to the list. :) Not sure I'll get that far, as my first was early (but only by 4 days), not that that means anything. :) Am team green, as we didn't want to know the gender.
  9. M

    Advic Needed Please

    Glad everything seems to be settling down for you. When my waters broke with my daughter, it was just a trickle, if I bent over & baby's head moved enough. It stopped whenever I stood back up. I didn't think it was my waters, & had a bath, did Tesco shopping & then went to hospital.... They...
  10. M

    Having a bath after caesarean

    Yes, same here. I was told to have a bath the day after my daughter was born to help remove the covering over the section wound. No one told me to avoid having baths, although that said, it was a while once I got home before I found the time to have another one! :)
  11. M

    Breast feeding - what does it do to your boobs??

    I went up to a G cup when breastfeeding my daughter. They then went back down to an F. I then lost 3.5 stone & they went down to an E (!) but they didn't drag or droop or drop at all. I went in for fitted bras quite regularly which really helped, I think. At the moment, they are still an...
  12. M

    House guest - my cunning plan!

    Hehehe....very sneaky thinking! :D I'd try it, but knowing my luck, it'd be the mother-in-law & I wouldn't go into labour for another week...& she wouldn't leave! :D She likes coming to stay with us.....for a rest!
  13. M

    are there any text buddies going?

    I'd love a text buddy, but service is so useless in this 'ere part o'the woods, that I don't think I'd be able to receive or send anything, unless I went out into the garden! :( Ne'er moind - just have to get online as soon as! :) Am due 4th June.
  14. M

    Booked my 4D scan

    Who are you all going with? We had a 4D with Erin, which was fantastic, & would like one with this baby, too, but don't want to trek all the way back up to Sheffield again! We're considering BabyBond in Peterborough, but not sure what they're like. Also want to know what you get on the CDROM...
  15. M

    im at my witts end*long rant* *****updated******

    ...patting her back and saying "shhh, mummy's here, it's all right" or something like that. In hindsight, it was probably a bad decision to get *me* doing this as she could smell the milk which probably prolonged the crying. I don't know... It is hard, but perseverance and a commitment...
  16. M

    When could your toddler walk up and down flights of stairs?

    Erin was up the stairs well before she was a year old - must have been around 9 or 10 months. Was a scary moment & necessitated a quick trip t'shops to buy some gates. :)
  17. M

    Failure to dilate in labour...did anyone else have this?

    Haven't read the thread, but I had this. My waters broke at 9am Saturday morning & I finally got to 9cm at about 10am Sunday. By 4pm Sunday I still hadn't progressed, although my contractions were "coming thick & fast - they're really strong, too!" (thanks!, I hadn't realised.....) By 5pm...
  18. M

    Full time / Part time / Stay at home mum?

    I worked full time up until 4 weeks before Erin was born in 2005 & went back to work part-time (9 hours a week) in March 2007, just to earn a bit of money as we'd moved down south to be closer to my parents & money was a bit tight. Fortunately my mum offered to look after my daughter otherwise...
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    tried this but it................

    hehehe...I have a good excuse for that... I wait until Daughter's in bed and then tell OH what I fancy. ONE of us has to stay here for Erin.... :D Would he be a dear....? mwahahaha. To be fair to OH, even when i was pregnant with Erin, I only had to mention that I fancied a curry (I...
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    have you all chosen names????

    Names are so tricky, aren't they? With Erin, we knew which girl's name we wanted for ages & just couldn't decide on a boy's it was just as well she was a girl! With this one, we don't know what we're having again, but can't decide on any name, girl OR boy.... Want something...