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  • Users: *sara*
  • Content: Threads
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  1. S

    Update and pic of Ellie

    Hi all im home for one night so thought id take the opportunity and say hi and hope your all doing well and give you a little update. Firstly id like to say thank you to Anna for all the texts and for your updates. Well Ellie has had two op's one to remove part of her bowel as she developed NEC...
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    emergency c-section at 26wks + 4

    Hi as the title says i had to have an emergency c-section at 26+4 due to severe pre eclampsia. My gorgeous daughter was born weighing just 1 pound 5 ounces, has anyone else had a baby so early or weighing the same? She has had brain scans, heart scans is on ventilation has had an infection...
  3. S

    Thank you

    I want to say a HUGE Thank You for all your kind words and thoughts over this stressful time and also to thank you for the flowers and chocolates, your support is greatly appreciated and all your messages reduced me to a blubbering wreck (not that it takes much to reduce me to tears at the...
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    Double figures :)

    WooHoo im down to 99 days and counting :cheer: :cheer: cant believe how time is flying :D
  5. S

    Do i look too BIG??

    Since the school has gone back after christmas all the mums in the playground keep telling me im huge and where did that bump come from!! :? :oops: Saying ill be massive by the time i give birth! :( Do i look too big?? This was taken today at 25wks +5days
  6. S

    Middle name help

    Can anyone help me with a middle name we have Ellie for her first name so will be Ellie ..... Thomson we just cant think of a middle name that goes with Ellie. I know i dont have to give her a middle name but i never had a middle name and always wished i had one. The only middle name we both...
  7. S

    Blue cheese

    I know we cant have blue cheese, but if its cooked its ok as it kills the this right? Im worrying now as i had some blue cheese in my macaroni....ive done a google search and it says as long as its cooked and piping hot its ok. Has anyone else had any cooked blue cheeses??
  8. S

    Viable baby :)

    I turned 24 weeks on sat so i now have a viable baby :cheer: :cheer:
  9. S

    Happy Birthday Flossy :)

    HAPPY BIRTHDAYHope you have a lovely day :cheer:
  10. S

    Had my scan and its a.........

    Im thrilled to introduce my gorgeous ....... DAUGHTER ELLIE Cant tell you how happy we are :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
  11. S

    Am I the only one??

    Am i the only one not having sex?? After having 2 losses i was told not to have sex for the first 12 weeks but now im 22 weeks and still not having any as me and hubby are scared something will go wrong. Is anyone else not getting any?
  12. S

    Taking bets :)

    Ive got my private sexing scan on Thursday anyone want to guess what team ill be?? :D
  13. S


    ...for me...i couldnt get in to get it so they faxed it to my nearest chemist so i can collect tomorrow. Im guessing that thrush treatments are safe while pregnant?? ** Just picked up my prescription and the box says do not use if you are pregnant or planning on becoming pregnant :wall: :wall: **
  14. S

    Eventfull weekend :(

    Well as the title says ive had an eventfull weekend.....up at the hospital! On saturday night all of a sudden i had horrendous pain in my right calf, phoned NHS24 and they wanted me to be seen as they thought it maybe DVT, so 11pm gets my son out of bed and up to hosp....Dr didnt know what was...
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    what can i take for sore throat?

    Ive got a terrible sore throat, does anyone know if its safe to take strepsils or halls throat sweets?? Its driving me crazy :(
  16. S

    *wanted* maternity tops size 16

    Hi does anyone have any maternity tops size 16, pretty tops if possible :D
  17. S

    Look what my friend gave me :)

    My friend offered me a cot a month or so ago as her little one is no longer in it and she came over with it today its in perfect condition and its lovely, im so chuffed :D its a mamas & papas.
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    **Flossy82** Scan pic

    I have the great pleasure of introducing Flossy82's gorgeous little GIRL Grace Ellen So happy for you :hug: :hug: :cheer: :cheer:
  19. S

    £190 Grant

    Does anyone know if those of us due in april will recieve this as it come out in april :think: ... =0&thold=0
  20. S

    20 wk scan **UPDATE** im back :)

    ...the sex, which is really anoying as i am itching to depending on how nice the sonographer is im going to try and find out :wink: :D **UPDATE** Im back from scan all is well with little one :cheer: :cheer: im so happy she/he was just perfect :D Baby was lying accros my tummy with...