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  1. CarlyD


    Mine is 7 weeks on Wednesday too and I've had the exact same problem all day! Normally his dummy settles him instantly if he's upset but nothings working and he's having quite a few proper wailing moments. It's so unlike him to be unsettled :( I was thinking it might be teething. Although it's...
  2. CarlyD

    Sick of asking

    Oh also! We have about £70 in our bank account. That's it. Well as he's little brother is 15 we've obviously gotta pay for this cinema trip. Just got the email confirmation come up on my phone that he's booked 2 adult tickets, £22... It seems so painfully obvious to be that we're short on money...
  3. CarlyD

    Sick of asking

    What comes next after you give up asking OH to help, or to do the things he promised? I wouldn't mind but he KEPT saying "don't do that, I'll do that tomorrow" so I leave these little things and then he doesn't do them and they build up into a massive chore! I wouldn't care so much of he was...
  4. CarlyD

    Boob misery

    I don't know if it's an option but a couple of years ago when I was with my ex he had an abscess removed from his back days before a uni field trip and we managed to persuade the doctor/nurse to show us how to do it and supply us with all the packing materials and I just went with him to repack...
  5. CarlyD

    maternity allowance help please :( stressedddd

    You can print off the SMP1 form online yourself, then just take it in and get someone to fill it in in front of you. It's literally a few tickboxes and signatures, should take 5 mins :) xx
  6. CarlyD

    B!tch of the year award

    ...Agree about the single parenting thing, maybe then I'd get acknowledged as doing all the work on my own instead of everyone assuming he's a top guy and I'm getting lots of help - when in reality I'm just looking after both of them. He contributes money and that's where it seems to end *sigh* x
  7. CarlyD


    I only have experience of neonatal impetigo as that's what my LO got but his spots didn't look like those at all so I'd rule that out at least :) Keep an eye on them though and go straight to a&e if the spots develop any fluid or pus under them as that's the warning sign on that one! X
  8. CarlyD

    B!tch of the year award

    So I'm not the only one! I was going to say that, I'm way more bothered that he's not bonding with our baby.. He freely admits he finds the baby 'boring', which I can understand but does that mean he will have as little to do with him as possible until LO is walking and talking?? I might do...
  9. CarlyD

    B!tch of the year award

    Goes to me. Feeling sooo resentful... DH hasn't helped with baby for quite a while. No feeds or changes for going on 5 days now. He sometimes carries him up the stairs for me at bedtime. Today he went to the gym after work for an hour or so, came in, had dinner and said he felt sick so went...
  10. CarlyD

    Buying for Baby!! Help!

    My LO was apparently a big baby but he's only starting to grow out of some newborn stuff now at 4 weeks old, and everyyyyone bought us outfits and babygros in 3-6 months. A case of everyone thinking "oh everyone else will be getting them newborn stuff, I'll get the next size up" lol. We had to...
  11. CarlyD

    I think not lol

    No way on earth I'll have a vbac.. I wouldn't trust the midwives to look after me through labour again - they left me sitting on the day assessment unit for 8 hours after my waters had gone with meconium 24 hours before! I already feel 100% after my section a few weeks ago so looking forward to...
  12. CarlyD

    NHS incompetence and partial birth story...

    Thank you all :) Birth story is now complete and in announcements :) I think I need to request my notes so I can get all the facts and properly complain. So much of it is hazy from being ill and tired! xxx
  13. CarlyD

    Birth story with a touch of drama!

    Ooh it's been a while. SO much has happened so here goes: Labour It all started at 41 weeks and 4 days. I'd had my second sweep the day before and at 3am I felt my waters go. No 'pop' or huge gush, more than a trickle though. When I checked my pad there was thick yellow discharge-like...
  14. CarlyD

    NHS incompetence and partial birth story...

    ...have to go in for a c-section due to 'fetal distress' - the baby's heartbeat was elevated because mine was.. Because of the infection. Oh and there *was* meconium in the waters >:( I really believe it was an error for me to be left alone on DAU for so long. I had it in my head they HAD to...
  15. CarlyD

    Stretch and Sweep

    I too asked the midwife to be brutal on the first sweep cos I was 41 weeks and reeeally wanted it to work! But 4 days later the second sweep did the trick, my waters went the next morning xxx
  16. CarlyD

    Whose the furthest gone on here?

    Think I'll go to the same! They send you home after they've inserted the pessary, hopefully things kick off overnight if not you go in the next day for them to kick things up a notch... So thinking I'll be 42+1 at the EARLIEST! 42+2 will give me an April fools day baby though - that's gotta be...
  17. CarlyD

    Whose the furthest gone on here?

    Gotta be me! 41+3!! Haven't been able to get on here much as we just moved and got no internet :( ...just had second sweep today and booked for an induction at 42 weeks - Friday :( I think this baby would stay a whole extra month if he could!!
  18. CarlyD

    Home visits

    I have this very horrible feeling the midwife isn't turning up for my stretch and sweep. She said someone would be here between 9 and 12, wrote it in her diary, but knowing my luck so far this pregnancy I've been forgotten about and will have to wait until tomorrow or even longer for it :( I...
  19. CarlyD

    40 weeks + 3 days - breakdown

    Very disappointed - even castor oil failed me!! That means I've officially tried EVERY old wives tale I could find, except acupuncture :( I guess my body just isn't up for labour! Definitely having that sweep tomorrow (that I expected on Monday - hmph!), so it's my last hope! Looking quite...
  20. CarlyD

    40 weeks + 3 days - breakdown

    Nah, mixed it with chocolate milkshake and barely noticed the taste or texture so it's relatively painless :) I had a 150ml bottle which is now more or less empty, about 5oz taken. Think i took about 2oz earlier and 2.5 or 3oz just now. Haven't needed the loo for a few hours so thinking I'm...