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  1. C

    When to put car seat in the car??

    Going to put the base in today :) xx
  2. C

    Happy Due Date to me!!

    Happy due date, won't be long now :) xx
  3. C

    Shooting pain in foof.

    I started to have it as soon as baby went head down & my SIL actually asked if I'm having 'fanny daggers' yet as they indicate he's head down & starting to engage. Had this confirmed by MW! The other reason I have daggers down there is from spd! Xx
  4. C

    Booked in for section

    Good luck!! Xx
  5. C

    Leaky Nips

    Booo! There's me getting hopeful, I just thought as it was something completely new coming in that it might mean something haha x
  6. C

    Leaky Nips

    I've not had ANY leakages at all until yesterday I felt a tiny bit sticky on my nipple so I squeezed & out came a blob of yellow liquid which I assume is colostrum. Just been trying a bit of nipple stimulation & out came quite a bit more. Does this mean labour is close or am I just a late...
  7. C

    Mother In Law Drama! he turns into a spoilt brat when he goes home & knows he can run rings around her. I'm definitely getting my DH to have a word when ours is born as I'm not having that sh*t lol. Good luck with your one, I feel for you completely!! It is YOUR baby, not hers, you make the rules...don't let...
  8. C

    **Baby Spammy Is Here!!!!**

    Congrats Spammy :) xx
  9. C

    Any comfy sleeping positions grately recieved!

    I sleep with a V pillow - one side inbetween my legs & other in front supporting bump then wedge another pillow behind me. Seems to work for me - I was constantly waking up on my back when I had just 2 normal pillows either side but the v one keeps me in place lol xx
  10. C

    Any news on Frankie?

    Congrats Frankie!! Xx
  11. C

    Monitoring - what do they do?

    Yeah I'm hoping not! MW said he was so hard to get hold of cos she thinks he's back to back! Noooooo!! Fingers crossed he's not cos 1st MW didn't think he was. At least now I know what they do I feel confident enough to go back if needs be. I know, can't believe how close we are now. I do want...
  12. C

    Monitoring - what do they do?

    Thanks girls, just got back from hosp! They monitored him for 20 mins, was an awkward little thing though - they had to hold the monitor on my belly! He did 8 movements so must have been woken up from all their prodding. It's definitely put my mind at rest :) xx
  13. C

    Monitoring - what do they do?

    Do you just call the MW if you're concerned with movements? My MW's phone is always off for some strange reason!! Do they do anything other than just monitor baby, i.e. blood pressure, urine etc? Xx
  14. C

    Car seat bases

    Yeah we are definitely doing it right, I've actually searched the net & there are a few bad reviews with the same concerns as me! I'm glad I spotted it as I'm putting this one on freecycle & just bought another one with good reviews lol xx
  15. C

    In the middle of Tesco, of all places!

    You poor thing!! I can't say I know how you feel as I'm just not getting any BH's, no pains whatsoever. I'm kinda thinking he's never gonna come! Ha I might just go to tescos & wee myself & claim my £250! Would come in handy with a baby on the way lol xx
  16. C

    Car seat bases

    Hi everyone! Just thought we better start attempting to put the car seat in the car. Anyway, we have a graco car seat & base. When we put the seat on the base, we did it all correctly & it just seemed like baby would be quite upright as opposed to laid back. When we put the seat in, it seemed...
  17. C

    Fully cooked!!!

    Woohoo congrats :) not long now, hang in there!! Xx
  18. C

    probably TMI but if you could help.....

    Yeah I'm having that now, feels like too much sex or I've been punched down there lol. Nasty!! Xx
  19. C

    OT - Going to see Steps tonight :D

    Have loads of fun!! I went to the one in Sheffield when I was 26 weeks and I didn't see much of it because I was at the side & EVERYONE stood up throughout the whole thing & I really couldn't stand so missed most of it as I couldn't see :( maybe if I had crutches I would have had something to...
  20. C

    who ate all the pies?

    I'm not lucky, I haven't exactly over eaten or anything & put on 3 and a half flipping stone! Gutted!! Hardcore dieting when he's out I think!! Xx