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  1. J

    Online clothes shopping sites

    HELP with the above. My feet are KILLING me from all the walking round town today and coming back bagless :cry: . I need something for LO's christening (suitable for church and party afterwards) :roll: Where do you shop for clothes online?
  2. J

    Opinions girls please

    Dylan's into his 4th week wwith a cold that isn't getting any better at all. In fact id prob say it's gotten a bit worse. He has a stuffy/runny nose, sneezing, weepy eyes and a chesty cough. I took him the drs last wk and he gave him the once over and prescribed him linctus for his cough (as...
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  4. J

    Presents for Godparents?

    We're getting Dylan christened in 4 weeks and im not sure whether it's the done thign to buy presents for his godparents? We're having our friends (who are married), OH's uncle and my eldest sister. Did you/would you buy anything for them? If so what?!?!?! :think:
  5. J

    Typical day for a 6/7 month old

    What is/was your day when your baby was 6/7 months? Im struggling to keep him entertained all day (especially when weather has been so bad). WE have lots of playtime with his toys, he rolls about and tries to crawl but goes backwards, he goes in his walker, we read his books together, have a...
  6. J

    Pick up put down method (baby whisperer)

    I have decided that Dylan needs to be able to start soothing and settling himself to sleep and i would rather do this sooner rather than later. This is because it's getting ridiculous getting him off to sleep. He will only go to sleep if he is being rocked in his bouncer :roll: He has nearly...
  7. J

    Squealing Faze

    Dylan has started squealing. It goes through me (not to mention everyone else)! Im so embarrassed when i walk around the shops and he starts coz i feel like one of them mums you look at and wonder why they are 'letting' their child squeal and annoy everyone! He goes on and on doing it though...
  8. J

    someone PLEASE help me

    Im gonna go mad! Seriously. Ok, in brief, LO is 6 months old..... his 'routine' for the past few weeks is bed at 8pm (couldn't go any later than this as he is completely shattered then he is waking up at 11pm EVERY night without fail and will not go back to sleep until 2am (ish). Then he...
  9. J

    Clingy faze

    LO is 6 months old and for the last couple of days has been really clingy with me. Poor OH is offended and is taking it a bit to heart i think :roll: Whenever anyone holds him etc he suddenly gets this really sad face (the one where their lips go like a letter n and quiver) and looks like he...
  10. J

    Follow on milk?

    Now Dylan's 6 months do i have to put him on follow on milk? He is currently on Cow and gate 1.
  11. J

    Sitting up?

    How old were your LO's when they started sitting up and how did you help them to do so? I thought Dylan would have been sitting (or nearly sitting) by now and it would life easier foe me(!) if he could sit. Thanks x
  12. J

    Co-sleepers and Ex Co-sleepers and anyone else with advice!

    Ok, so we have been co-sleeping with LO since he was born and I've now decided (after many near black eyes from him dropping his arm in my face as he's turning over and pulling my hair in his sleep!) that I would like him to sleep in his cot (which is next to our bed at the moment). Presently...
  13. J


    Can they have eggs at 6 months? If so how do you do them for your LO? :think:
  14. J

    He hates the pram...

    Does anyone else's LO not like being taken out? He is ok on busy roads where there is a lot going on for him to nose at but as soon as you take him in either a shop or a quiet street he starts grunting (this is his way of warning you he is going to kick off any minute) and then the screams and...
  15. J

    What mattress?

    We bought LO a basic foam mattress before he was born. Since he was born we have co-slpet, however id like to try and get him sleeping in his cot. I think the mattress is too uncomfy so would like to invest in a better one. Does anyone have any suggetions :think:
  16. J

    Meat (haven't got a clue as vegetarian)

    This is probably a silly question to most of you but since both me and OH are vegetarians we haven't got a clue how to incorporate meat into LO's diet as we dont want to bring LO up as vege. I have been weaning him since he was 18 weeks and now he is nearly 6 months i would like to add meat to...
  17. J

    He will only go to sleep in.... when she babysat him and he has been rocked to sleep in it ever since. This is a MASSIVE problem though because when we are outand about he *needs* the chair to get him to sleep. He will sleep in the car seat (as the car is moving) and sometimes in his pram but in anyone's house he WILL...
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  19. J

    What's the longest your LO goes between bottles at night?

    As above.. LO has started to go 12 hours between bottles. Im worried this is too long. So i would be interested to know your opinions? Thanks xx