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  • Users: Sproglett
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Sproglett

    Anyone wanna hazard a guess....

    to where baby's butt is lol! just sat at my desk looked down and thought i'd get you girlies a pik. Sal x x
  2. Sproglett

    who ate all the pies?

    Actually no it wasn't me, i just look like i have :rofl:. No but seriously, people are constantly shocked when i tell them i'm not due till September, i get so many comments about how big i am. (yes i know i have put weight on everywhere, why is it your business) lol. I decided it would be...
  3. Sproglett

    ANTI-D injection tomorrow :(

    For those fo you who don't know me, hi :wave: I'm Sally, I'm 25 and expecting my first baby, (4th pregnancy). Well basically I am the biggest wimp in the world when it comes to injections (My eyes water when i have my bloods done etc, yes i'm that bad). Well tomorrow i've got to have my Anti-D...
  4. Sproglett

    Proof stretchmark cream does nothing lol.

    Hey, I've used bio-oil, palmers cocoa butter etc since day one.... these bad boys have appeared in over the last 3 weeks (from 25w)! The creams etc help to reduce the itching but that is all, if you're the type of person to get stretch marks, sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but you...
  5. Sproglett

    September babies

    Hey ladies, I'm Sally, I'm 25yrs old, I live with my dh Mikey who I've been married to for just over 2years. and we are expecting our first baby on 9th September, we are team :yellow:! I came over to tri 3 myself a week ago and thought it would be nice to get a thread going for ladies that...
  6. Sproglett

    Still find it strange I'm in Tri3!

    Hey ladies, I'm 28w+3, I cannot beleive I'm in tri3, theres babies popping out everywhere! Congratlations to everyone. I suppose I've more started this thread for people in the first few weeks of tri3, as even though i've got less than 12w till due date, I dont 100% feel I belong here yet lol...
  7. Sproglett

    how do i add a poll?

    i want to add a poll and cant for the life of me see how to lol
  8. Sproglett


    So This is tri 3 :) I keep getting mixed essages as to when the trimesters change, my ticker sais at 28w but the forum title said 27. so here i am anyway. Hey everyone :)
  9. Sproglett

    x x Baby R's Nursery x x

    So some of you may have seen my last post about Baby R's Nursery, where i put on a photo of the mural that my dh and i painted. Well the carpet is now down and the room is complete :) woo hoo... The room The Cot The Wardrobe & Changer The Curtains (with hugger ties) The Bouncer...
  10. Sproglett

    Double figures - woop

    Yay... 99days to go till my lo's due date only 15more days till tri3 omg omg omg So exciting x x
  11. Sproglett

    Im all swollen!!!

    ok, so its 14 decgrees here today, so neither hot or cold, well my feet are swollen to the size of dinner plates again and apparently the way to stop it is to put my feet up higher than the height of my heart (practical when i'm at work hey) well has anyone got any other advice? Oh and i've...
  12. Sproglett

    ALCOHOL FREE pear cider

    well i was walking round asda with my dh last night moaning at him that he's put my fav pear cider (Kopparberg) in the trolley and i cant have it... Well after making him feel rather guilty i spotted out the corner of my eye (and proceeded to fill the trolley) with this miraculous discovery...
  13. Sproglett

    pointless ticker thread - but hey

    my ticker looks like an old man this week (week 24 lol) sorry
  14. Sproglett

    Pubic bone pain

    Hey, up to yet i've had a really nice pregnancy, very slight if any morning sickness (was only physically sick once) etc, and I'm not at all moaning about any part of my pregnancy, I'm loving every minute, I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this or could perhaps enlighten me...
  15. Sproglett

    breast feeding problems

    Ok so my friend had her baby on saturday by emergency c section, she is trying with all her might to breast feed, but her milk doesnt appear to have come yet, anyone any suggestions?
  16. Sproglett

    MAT B1 form

    hey, does anyone know if i need to include a letter with this informing my employer of the date i wish to leave etc or do i just send of the MAT B1 on its own?
  17. Sproglett

    * * it's v day * *

    Woo hoo it's vday. Pointless thread but just wanted to share my excitement. :-) will upload a bump picky later x x
  18. Sproglett

    Wow i'm not gonna get fat at all......

    so this morning, I have had my cereal before work and so far (i've been here since 8am) I have had a chocolate brownie and a toasted tea cake, the best thing is, both of these were brough to me too :whistle:, so I havent even had the excercise walking away from my desk to get them lol! Just...
  19. Sproglett

    Baby R's Nursery

    So my dream of being able to paint a mural wall in a nursery has finally come true. Even though I very nearly caved and just painted the one wall pale green (glad I didn't now). I'm literally in love with it. Last weekend I drew out the design on the one wall of Baby R's nursery and started...
  20. Sproglett

    Another Scan

    So baby R played up at their 20w scan so we have another one next Tuesday, (totally pointless thread btw). Now with our first pregnancy I wanted to know the babies sex my dh was totally against the idea, then after losing our first 3 babies I decided the sex was not important at all. (which it...