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  • Users: Pregnopaws
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  1. P

    The end is nigh..

    for breastfeeding that is :( I have been breastfeeding for 6 months and 9 days and have two very legitimate reasons to quit. Today I saw a doctor as I have been having bouts of anxiety attacks and have been prescribed medication which doesn't allow me to breastfeed anymore. Also, LO has four...
  2. P


    Just a quickie ladies! Can you give babies weetabix from 6 months on? And if so, do you make it up with formula instead of cows milk. A friend said that Cheerios (the oat and not the honeynut kind) are better for them, but I think they're harder to pick up for first time foods?
  3. P

    Milk and solid food together?

    I'm dumbstruck today at how well all these gorgeous babies on here are handling solid meals so soon, what brilliant mums you all are!! And now I've got loads of questions. Well my main one is how much milk are they meant to be drinking coming up to the 6 month mark. I use aptamil AND breastfeed...
  4. P

    Finger foods yet or not?

    I've been reading up on finger foods here and find that alot of mums are giving them quite early on. I wonder if I could try Connor as he has been on purees since about 4 months and is always trying to grab our food off our plates and watches us eat with interest. The other reason is because he...
  5. P

    Milk feeds

    How much milk should LO be drinking now that he is weaning? Now that I have introduced two small solid meals a day (which he absolutely loves) with his bottles he is not drinking as much milk obviously is this normal?. Although he is still waking up in the night a few times for breast feeds I...
  6. P

    Too hungry!

    LO continues to demand food often (much less than 2 hours between feeds). I breastfeed as much as I can and offer 6 oz bottles a couple of times a day. He also gets a couple of teaspoons of baby cereal with his last feed now as he is waking up all hours for food. Despite all this he only gained...
  7. P

    Hormones again...

    I am weepy this week, partly because LO is being hugely demanding of me with breastfeeding and my MIL is visiting from abroad, and she never shuts up and can't seem to understand that the reason LO isn't leaping out of his cot in excitement to see her, is because he's only ever seen her TWICE...
  8. P

    Is he ready for weaning?

    I'm a bit unsure why LO is waking up so often at night to feed. I have always breastfed him exclusively at night (usually wakes up twice in the night) and give him breast + formula throughout the day. In the last few nights though, he has come into the bed with me and suckled on my breast on and...
  9. P

    Busted my backside!

    After weeks of pain in the lower back/top of my backside the doc said my coccyx? is inflamed. It never hurts whem I am mobile, only when i'm sitting down and if I sit down for a LONG time I can't stand up again as its unbearably painful. Apparently this is all due to bad posture whilst...
  10. P

    Ear pulling..

    LO has been pulling and rubbing at his ears every so often, and I wonder if its just because he's discovered them now and wants to be rid of them lol or if there is something bothering him as he tends to go for the right one more! his ears looks fine from the outside at least and he doesn't look...
  11. P

    Another baby?

    It took my years to agree to get pregnant (16 years after my eldest son) as I'm a bit of a coward and was very scared it would all go wrong. Now that I have my gorgeous little boy my DH (half jokingly) suggested we go for another (maybe we get a girl) in a year or two. I'm 37 and so I told him...
  12. P


    LO has been constipated a bit for a couple of days. He has poo'd twice and it was a small amount and stuck to his bum like a toffee consistency. He doesnt appear to be in any discomfort really only when he did those poos he grunted a little. My mum says to water down his formula feeds (which...
  13. P

    Am I paranoid ?

    Does anyone else have a thing about germs and other people touching handling your LO... It seems to me that some people aren't all that bothered about washing their hands or worried about introducing germs to babies. More than a few times complete strangers have touched his cheek in the street...
  14. P

    Ironing... just NOT happening in my house lol. How many of you can keep up with it, its crazy?? :wall: Between DH's work shirts, my teenage sons football kits, and school uniform, my own clothes and LO's piles and piles of baby stuff that is now a mountain in his nursery; well there is just...
  15. P

    Why is he always congested?

    Connor was having a terrible time trying to feed today due to a bunged up nose. I felt so sorry for him. I tried nasal drops and steam to no avail. I think he could have a bit of a cold, but to be honest he is often quite congested and I'm wondering if its the dry spanish air (should I get a...
  16. P

    Weaning at what age?

    Has anyone started weaning or given baby rice at 3 months? My mother drives me nuts saying I should start to wean him on babyrice at 3 months as he is a big boy (14.6 lbs right now) and won't be satisifed with just milk for long. Has anyone else done that or waited till 4 months+
  17. P

    First laugh (video)

    Just managed to capture our DS laughing for the first time at his daddy! :D
  18. P

    Grabbing things..

    LO has suddenly shown his frustration in trying to grab something dangling close to him. He obviously doesn't yet have the co-ordination or ability to reach out for something properly but you can see the eagerness and then irritation on his little face as he swipes and misses it, lol poor thing...
  19. P

    Breastfeeding + dieting

    I know this has probably come up before and I've been told not to diet whilst breast feeding but surely if I give up the 5 kitkats a day :rotfl: ......... that I don't really need and eat more healthily the weight should drop off naturally and not affect but rather boost milk production?? I...
  20. P

    Obsessed with breast...

    I've read alot on here about some of you having problems getting LO to breast feed after they've had the luxury of a formula feed, but I seem to have the opposite problem now. I was topping up Connor with formula every so often or letting OH giving him an occasional night time bottle to...