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  • Users: MicheLou
  • Content: Threads
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  1. M

    As head engages would bump size decrease?

    Bump is now 2/5 engaged (does any one know if that means its 2/5 'down there' or 3/5 engaged?.. never can get head round notes) This doesn't really matter as I'm having an elective section anyway but i'm just curious. As the head moves into position will it decrease bump size? I have been = my...
  2. M

    What do you think of name and do they clash?

    We really are struggling with names for our second child. I like Rosie and really want to have it but DH is getting so much mickey taking at work about the return of the 'tart' Rosie Webster in Coronation Street that it has ruined it. Our 3 year old is called Amy and i'm liking Ailie...
  3. M

    How do you pronounce..

  4. M

    can you help me understnad my blood pressure-little worried

    Hi there, just been to consultant today to get my section date - 11th August.. yeah! :dance: All is well but I'm worried about my blood pressure. It has consistantly been at around 120/75 throughout my pregnancy but today it was 180/89. To me this seems a bit of a jump and he asked me to make...
  5. M

    breast feeding bras for larger women.. as in 32J :/

    Where can I get really good, supportive breast feeding bras for my size? I'm struggling with the non underwired maternity bras as they're just not ime to buy my breast feeding bras in preparation but I don't want to waste money again and making do with what I can get.
  6. M

    I've never had a Braxton Hicks

    I'm 35 weeks pregnant and worried a little as I've not had any Braxton Hicks. I have no idea what they feel like and although I know my baby is fine because of the movement I feel I don't like that i'm different from everyone else when it comes to my baby and pregnancy. What do you all think...
  7. M

    pins and needles/numbness in lower leg

    Hi girls, i'm suffering from pins and needles and numbness in my lower right leg. Does any one have any ideas about it and is it pregnancy related?
  8. M

    When did your bbs start to leak?

    Just wondering as havn't seen any 'action' on the leakage front (so to speak!) so far, is it only very later stages when things get going?
  9. M


  10. M

    in pain (tonsillitis) and worried

    I've had a sore throat since the weekend and havn't been taking any pain relief. I was in agony today and had to say 'stuff it, i'm hurting, i'm pregnant with no pain relief and I need help'. My doctors take a very tim light on sore throat complaints normally telling me that you just have to let...
  11. M

    Pregnancy magazines

    Hi all in 1st Tri. I have just had my BFP this morning so i'll :dance: a little then ask my question (sorry still floating on air!) I was wondering which pregnany magazines were the better ones to read. It's well over 3 years since I was last pregnant but feels so much longer plus i guess a...
  12. M

    I'm PrEgNaNt!!

    Just got my BFP! No one knows.. DH just left for a days fishing so i'm going to tell him tonight. My DD is still fast asleep and although she's only 3 she's asks every few days 'has the magic worked yet mammy?' We've been trying for 8 months now. I have been quite quiet this 2ww as I didn't...
  13. M

    Excitement over.. don't laugh!

    Excitement over cervical position :rotfl: Yes I am nuts but putting that down to cycle 8 of ttc! I have tried charting BBT, CM spotting ( :oops: at muddling CM and semen :oops: ) OPK's and given up .. twice! identified OV pain (which has now disappeared :? ) and today I have...
  14. M

    it's driving me mad!

    I need to confess. I have been ttc for 8 months now and although i'm trying not to let the fact that we havn't been successful bother me i'm starting to obsess on things a little. I have got every thing sorted for the spare room if we have a boy and I mean every thing. i 've spent the day...
  15. M

    Raised bumps on areolas?

    Right OK, I'm on day 32 of a 30 day cycle.. hence waiting on Af. I've resigned myself to the fact that I am not pregnant this month because I poas ebay cheap one yesterday morning and a negative result. But I am into my second day of waiting for AF and can't help wondering and :pray: :pray...
  16. M

    Faint line - OPK?

    I'm wondering what this could mean. I have just tested OPK now. I have my first ever result on the things and i'm confused. I have been testing OPK's for 5 days now each time getting negatives. I didn't test testerday as I was travelling all day and completely forgot about it when I got home...
  17. M

    What can I do to increase CM around ovulation?

    I have read that by simply drinking more water will increase EWCM around ovulation but surely it can't be as simple as that? Any other ideas to help me boost it?
  18. M

    Said I wouldn't but need to maximise my chances

    Just bought cheap OPK's off ebay. I really need to relax about trying for a baby but this is cycle 7 and I just can't do that. I've used OPK's before but I never yet saw a positive result and gave up using them the first month - put it down to them being too cheap. Does anyone use the 10...
  19. M

    If you had......?

    If you thought that the spern had met the egg so to speak, had been making it's way down the tubes for a few days but for whatever reason didn't implant properly would that make your AF late? Sorry if this is a daft question but any help would be great. Thanks
  20. M

    negative - devastated

    I was so sure this month. I really was. I had all the symptoms, even so much as creamy CM today CD 28 my AF due date. My bbs are sore and I never get that with AF so what's going on! I tested this morning with a cheap ebay test and came back negative. Really believing that I was and didn't...