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  1. S


    I'm so ill! About 4 weeks ago I came down with the common cold. After suffering for around a week I went to my Dr who diagnosed a chest infection and gave me (pregnancy safe) antibiotics. I went back to the Dr's a week later when the course finished cause they had done absolutely nothing to...
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    I've had a stinking chest infection for 2 and a half weeks now and it just doesnt seem to be going away :( I went to the Dr's last week and she gave me some antibiotics to take but I'm nearly finished them and it's still no good! I'm so tired cause I can't sleep at night AT ALL which means...
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    Is this normal??

    I've been having a strange pulling/tender sensation down below for a few days now. It's a odd kinda feeling almost as though you've had really rough sex recently (which I haven't! :angel: ) The OH thinks I might just be stretching down there but I dunno... :think: Has anyone had...
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    T'is my birthday today! :cheer: Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Happy Birthday to me! Hip hip, Hooray!!!!!!! Hip hip, Hooray!!!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Have some cake on me :D
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    Having a boy!

    Just wondering which you all prefer??
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    My cherub at 15weeks old!

    Found out that I'm having a little boy!!! :cheer:
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    Can I squeeze in??

    Hi everyone! I'm 13 weeks gone today so I'm coming to join you all in the 2nd tri! Hope you don't mind me staying for a while :D
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    Last day...

    Hi everyone, Just thought I'd let you all know, this will be my last day in the first tri :cheer: It seems to have taken ages to get here after being put back 4 weeks! Lol! But I'll be packing my bags tomorrow to move over to the other side! Thank you all so very much for your...
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    Doppler question!

    I'm trying to find where to buy them on google but all I can find are stores to buy online... Does anyone know which shops sell them? Thank you! :)
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    Scan!! *pix included*

    Hi everyone! I had my scan today and it was wonderful!!! :dance: Only bad thing was I got put back 4 weeks! :doh: Here is my little sweetie...
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    Booking appt

    I just had my booking appt today and OMG it feels all so real now!! I think I've enough reading material from now till the baby comes along! Just can't wait till my scan now!!! :cheer:
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    I've been having really bad cramp in my lower back and tummy and I'm getting really worried about it! Has anyone else suffered this? It feels like really quite bad period pain... x
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    What do you think...

    For a girl we're thinking Sophia, Lucy or Ella And for a boy, Caleb, Luke, Oscar or Samuel! Let me know what you all think! :D
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    New due date!

    So my midwife called me today to recommend I base my pregnancy weeks on my June cycle as the July one only lasted a day... this means.... I'M 10 WEEKS GONE!!! Woohoo!!! Also, got booked in for my first appointment and my scan now too! I'm soooo excited!! How is everyone today??
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    I'm ill!

    I've come down with the flu and my head is really sore and I feel like I can't move anywhere! And I keep coughing and every time I do it really makes me need the loo :( I need sympathy :cry: How does everyone else feel today? x
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    Unsure of due dates

    Hi everyone! I recently discovered I'm, pregnant for the first time and made myself an appointment for the Dr's. They're a little unsure of the exact due date though cause although the first day of my last 'bleed' was 20th July, this was very light and only lasted 1-2 days whereas I am usually...
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    Hi everyone! I'm a very proud mum-to-be, just recently discovered I'm expecting my first baby! So excited and would really like other people to share this experiance with! :D