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  1. C

    Full term - engagement

    Has anyone else been full term and their baby not been engaged at thats the position I find myself in today!
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    Mother and Baby mag Oct 08...?

    Anyone have the October issue of Mother & Baby Magazine? They were apparently offering a 10% discount on all orders from The Baby Catalogue - I want to place an order and can't get the mag now.....has anyone got a copy they can tell me the code from pls ?
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    Letter to customer.....(funny)

    Dear Mrs. Murray, While we thank you for your valued custom and use of the Tesco Loyalty Card, the Manager of our store in Banbury is considering banning you and your family from shopping with us, unless your husband stops his antics. Below is a list of offences over the past few months all...
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    What can I take for my sore throat?

    Hubby is in bed with flu :( I felt a bit snuffly yesterday a.m. but fine in the afternoon - today it feels like I'm swallowing knives! I'm hoping I don't end up with full-on-flu, but what can I take for my throat now as its blummin killin! Any suggestions?
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    Another Ebay idiot!!!!

    I hate ebay atm too! I bought a baby top for 99p and got charged £2.45 postage (which was clear on the listing, so fair enough I guess - I thought it might be thicker than normal and so a little heavier and also was expecting it would be packed in a jiffy bag or similar which obviously cost...
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    Errrr, Hello! (recipe added as promised peeps!)

    :wave: Hello fellow fatties (in a totally non-offensive, affectionate kinda way of course) Oh dear, thats probably me off on the wrong foot already! :lol: I'm bringing my bump in with you guys today - I feel like Im joining the class above me at school where all the other kids are bigger...
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    Double Figures!!!!!

    :shock: Woooooooo :cheer: I've 'officially' got 99 days to go! I can remember when I first got PG, looking at all the posts in the tri's and reading about getting to double figures and thinking OMG thats so far away, wondering if I would ever get there - and here I am!!! :shock: That means I...
  8. C

    Pink maxi cosi anyone?

    Sale: ... 162_10001_
  9. C pls!

    Right, here's the dilema. :think: I fell in love with the silver cross linear freeway, and was going to get the ventura car seat to go with it to make a travel system, we took out car to check and see if the seat fits - but it doesnt! :( So basically I am right back to the drawing board on...
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    WANTED: Baby Hangers

    Ive got some baby stuff which hasnt come with hangers so I need some extra ones - the only place Ive seen them for sale is mothercare and they are about 9hundred pounds for 5 or something which IMHO is waaaaaaay too expensive for just a teeny bit of plastic. Ebay have some, but they seem to be...
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    :shock: Missing toddler found in metal box A missing toddler was found trapped inside a large metal box at a council-run nursery, it has been revealed. Mitra Ahmadi arrived at the nursery in Manchester to collect her son, only to find staff frantically searching for him. Two-year-old Ben...
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    I heard my baby!!!!!

    :D Woooooooooo Im so excited! :dance: I went to the Drs this morning as Ive had a few pains on the bottom of my little bump and wanted just to check whether it was likely to be stretching etc - would rather go and be told everything was fine, than not go and then be told later, oh if only...
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    Newborn over drink-drive limit!!!!

    Newborn over drink-drive limit :shock: A drunken Polish mother gave birth to a baby girl who was almost 15 times over the adult drink-driving limit. Doctors at a hospital in Otwock, on the outskirts of Warsaw, said the 38-year-old woman had the equivalent of a bottle of wine. But its...
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    Is anyone else feeling a bit dizzy? I seem to be getting dizzy spells pretty much everyday - its usually in the afternoon, starts from about 2pm onwards (but sometimes not til later than that) and then some days it will go in the evenings and other days it seems to get worse. It can last for a...
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    Gender (old wives tales)

    You're more likely to be carrying a boy if... • Your baby's heartbeat is lower than 140 beats per minute • you're carrying all out front • you're carrying low • you're blooming in pregnancy • you didn't suffer from morning sickness in your first trimester • your right...
  16. C

    UTI? Help.....

    Has anyone had one and had to have antibiotics? If so what did you have to take? :roll: Well, Ive got one and got a prescription, but I only picked the prescription up from the surgery after the receptionist phoned and told me to, so I didnt actually see the Dr about it. Apparently the...
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    Is it me???

    Hmmmm :? , My tickers dont appear to give the same info, one says LO weighs a gram and the other says 4 grams. Different sites seem to say different things too and I just wondered if anyone knew which was right or which was a reliable site to find development sizes etc? :think: I know its all...
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    free stuff?

    Has anyone ever joined this site or does anyone know if its any good or is it just another 'waste of time' thing? :?
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    Budge up.....

    ....another one taking a few cautious steps in from ttc :D Got my BFP yesterday - so excited and so happy!
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    To add to the BFP madness.....

    :shock: :shock: :shock: I got the BFP on an FRER yesterday evening and I did a clearblue this morning. They both came up so quickly! :cheer: I was too scared of disappointment to test before, although I think I knew deep down really. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: