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  • Users: Becc
  • Content: Threads
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  1. B

    Woohoo! Finally!

    First of all sorry I've not been around for a few days... was cleaning the carpet and then had a funeral to go to.... then a lady from SureStart/Action for children came to visit me on account of my being a tad crazy so been busy and sleeping and that's about it! :sleep: Anyways, the other...
  2. B

    A message for my family and friends...

    STOP coming on this forum with the sole purpose of spying on me!!! This is my haven, somewhere for me to vent and to share my worries and concerns and by invading that privacy you are OUT OF ORDER!!!!!!!! :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead:
  3. B

    He's got a home! **UPDATE**

    Just wanted to let those of you who read about my problems with the dog know that we took him to Labrador Rescue on Sunday and when I checked the site today he has already been rehomed!! :dance: :dance: :dance: So happy that he is ok and not just sat in a kennel waiting for the right person...
  4. B

    Would you phone midwife?

    Found out recently that I am Rhesus Negative and midwife has explained about extra blood tests, injections etc. Anyway, just been looking through my maternity notes and the official form that comes from the blood place in Manchester has got my surname spelled wrong. It's only by one letter but...
  5. B

    Probably TMI but...

    I can't get the smell of sex off me! Me and OH got all fruity last night and then fell asleep straight after and despite having a bath this morning I still keep getting a waft of it!! Is this a pregnancy thing or what? Hope nobody comes round and knows what I've been up to :?
  6. B

    Protein at MW appointment...

    I went to see the midwife yesterday... this is only the third time I have been and the second time I had my urine tested. Last time she said there was a trace of protein in my sample... I know that this can be if you have some discharge down below and it gets mixed in so this time I purposely...
  7. B

    For anyone who is skint like me...

    I've been gathering baby supplies from this website called Freecycle. Basically, it's people who have stuff they don't need and want to get rid of... you don't pay, just have to go and collect it yourself. Last night I went and collected a cot bed, swinging crib with brand new mattress, baby...
  8. B

    Any of these sound familiar...??

    Just wondering if any of these phrases sound familiar to anybody else or whether only I have a completely insensitive family!! I swear, if I hear these again I may throw a huge tantrum!!!!!!!!!!!! "You don't even look pregnant." "Oh, have you not even got a bump at all yet?" "You're...
  9. B

    Nappy Wraps

    Hi everyone, I'm planning to use 'real' nappies and have now got over the initial confusion and seem to understand how it all works quite well. Just wondering if anybody could help me on how to make some wraps of my own or if there are any good sites that do the wraps in a wide range of nice...
  10. B

    Real Nappies - great link

    Dunno if anyone else on here is planning on trying out 'real' nappies but I intend to and was finding it all very confusing until I found this site: It's got great advice on using cloth nappies, and even has a booklet you can download or print out for free that...
  11. B

    If I don't...

    ... get a Dominoes pizza for my tea I might just have to kill somebody :wall: Is this normal for a pregnant woman???? :think:
  12. B

    Doppler Arrived!

    The doppler I ordered from Ebay came this morning, I'm so happy with it :dance: Got to record the baby's heartbeat really well to email to my mum and dad and OH also got to listen which was nice as he couldn't make my midwife appointment on Tuesday and missed out. Think I will leave it a few...
  13. B

    Is anybody else wondering...

    ... where all the piddle comes from at night time? I go to the loo during the day and obviously don't drink anything while I'm asleep and yet I'm finding myself getting out of bed at least twice a night carrying what feels like about 3 pints of wee!!! I'd like to know where it's hiding during...
  14. B

    Scan Pictures

    Hi all, Didn't really know where to put these as they were done at 12 weeks but bu the time I got round to putting them on I'm almost 14 weeks so now in 2nd tri! Oh, those of you who knew about my last scan will prob be happy to know that I had the same radiographer and she couldn't have been...
  15. B

    What to do with the dog **UPDATE**

    Hi all, To cut a long story short, I'm due in July and I've got a 9 month old black lab... as time goes on I get scared that keeping him when we are going to have a baby isn't the best idea. He doesn't have a nasty bone in his body and would never hurt the baby or anyone intentionally. But he...
  16. B

    Is it just me...

    ... or does anybody else feel like even at this early stage your baby has become public property? I dunno if it's hormones or what but the constant remarks from relatives that they're going to do this with the baby and that with the baby are starting to get to me and make me feel as though I'm...
  17. B

    Went for dating scan and...

    .... the radiographer was HORRID :x She was so blunt and rude and she really took the shine off the whole experience for us. We got to see the baby's heartbeat and of course that was amazing but she was so unapproachable we were both too scared to ask for a piccie!! Why do people like that...
  18. B


    Has anybody got any tips or tricks for sore boobs in pregnancy?? I knew they would be tender but I didn't expect anything like this. I know I'm not just being soft because I have had sore breast lumps before due to hormones and even had a needle stuck in there!! I only have to brush past...
  19. B

    Stressed!! Please help!!

    Hi everyone, I know I haven't been around here that long but you all seem like a nice bunch and I need to get a few things off my chest that are going on with me and really getting me down... First off, I should probably say a bit about my past... I was in a terrible relationship for 5 years...
  20. B

    Tummy Upset... is this normal...?

    Hi all, This is probably TMI but since I found out I'm pregnant I've had a quite badly upset tummy and I was just wondering if this is normal early on or not. Of course it could be due to the fact that my mum absolutely insists that I drink an entire pint of milk at once :wall: Anyway, has...