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  • Users: Mummy_Mel
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Mummy_Mel

    Mucus Plug/Show?

    Hey Ladies Bit confused... is losing your mucus plug the same as having a show? I lost my mucus plug this morning but there was no blood in it, just jelly like clear sticky stuff. Is this a show or is this just losing my mucus plug? Thanks!
  2. Mummy_Mel

    Sudden Swelling :(

    Hey ladies I have to go to hospital today because I woke up at 4am with sudden really bad swelling in my hands and feet. They said they will check my BP and urine and that if my blood pressure is up they will send me to the "day assessment unit". Does anyone know what that is? Any idea what...
  3. Mummy_Mel

    Is it just me...

    Is it just me, or has anyone else found that after drinking RLT for a week or so their gums have stopped bleeding when brushing? I'm amazed, they used to bleed nearly every time since being pregnant. But now they never do!!! Anyone else found this?
  4. Mummy_Mel

    Ooooooooh How Exciting!

    I just packed mine and baby's hospital bags!!!! It's starting to feel real now!
  5. Mummy_Mel


    Hey Ladies This morning as I was about to get into the shower I could feel discharge leaking out, so I wiped and there was quite a lot! It was clear and jelly like. Since then, all day I feel like I'm constantly leaking! It's still clear but there's so much of it!!! Whats going on?!
  6. Mummy_Mel

    Advice Please...

    Hi ladies, I was wondering if anyone could help me. As I was laying in bed trying to get to sleep last night, I started to get cramps in my stomach that felt exactly like period pains. I finally fell asleep once they went off a bit but then during the night I got woken up about 5 times with...
  7. Mummy_Mel

    Birthing Ball

    Hey Ladies I am totally clueless about these things and I thought you guys will probably be able to give me a heads up! I want to buy a birthing ball, but they seem quite pricey. Is there any difference between a birthing ball and a standard exercise/yoga ball? Or will I be okay buying and...
  8. Mummy_Mel

    Hey everyone :)

    Hi guys! Finally at tri 3 now, yay! Just thought I would say hello. Looking forward to chatting with you all :) xx
  9. Mummy_Mel

    Am I just being hormonal??

    I feel so fed up! I had my 25 week midwife appointment this morning, and I've been banging on about it for weeks to my family, yet none of them bothered to even mention it yesterday or today or ask me how it went! Not even my husband!!!! I feel really let down and a bit like no one cares. I...
  10. Mummy_Mel

    Yayyyy for V-Day!!!!!!!

    I'm so happy and excited :D Eeeeeek!!!!
  11. Mummy_Mel


  12. Mummy_Mel

    My Graduation... Eeek!

    Hey ladies! My degree graduation ceremony is on 24th November, and I will be 30 weeks pregnant that day. I'm freaking out because my bump is quite big already and I'm worried about going up onto the stage and back down the steps again to get my certificate in front of everyone because I'm...
  13. Mummy_Mel

    Fluttery Heart

    Hey Ladies :) Hope you are all well! I was wondering, has anyone else been experiencing fluttery heart sensations? I seem to be getting them a few times a day recently. It kind of feels like my heart stops and suddenly starts again... I don't like it! Anyone else? Or just me?!! Thanks :)
  14. Mummy_Mel

    What is the best stretch mark stuff?

    Hey ladies! I was just wondering if anyone can recommend me a good stretch mark cream or oil? There are so many to choose from and I really don't want to get ripped off! Preferebly one that is not too expensive as well! Thanks! :)
  15. Mummy_Mel

    What an AMAZING experience!!!

    My husband and I had our dating scan today. It was the first time we had seen the baby, not even heard the heart beat so it hadn't sunk in at all that we are really having a baby! It was sooooooooo cool! She managed to locate the baby straight away and it was fast asleep at first, lying on...
  16. Mummy_Mel

    Got my scan date this morning!

    Hey everyone! I've been reading posts on here for a few weeks and figured it was probably time to join! I had my booking appointment a week ago and recieved my letter in the post with my scan date this morning - YAY!! It is next Tuesday when I will be almost 13 weeks :) Feeling excited...