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  1. Annie050408

    I'm not ovulating...WTF?!

    Ok so we are not going to try until December but I've been doing ov sticks to chart what's going on with me and I've not had so much as a hint of a line in the past 2 weeks. I had my D&C 4 weeks ago today and I really thought I'd be ovulating by now.... I normally ovulate on CD17 and have AF...
  2. Annie050408

    So happy...

    ...Ella is finally able to drink normal ready mix SMA milk after a year of being on horrid old Neocate! The SMA toddler milk smells yummy and of vanilla and she licks her lips and says mmmmmmm after she has it which is so nice to see. :)
  3. Annie050408

    Frustrated :(

    Ok so first I was supposed to be having a baby in February (mc), then was due in April (mmc) and now DH wants to wait until December until we start trying again because he works in events and wants to get a job working on the Olympics meaning that he'd rather we didn't have a baby during July or...
  4. Annie050408

    Anyone else find themselves not able to think about it all?

    I've "been so strong" (-everyone else's words not mine) since my mc in July and MMC in September but the truth is that I can't and won't allow myself to really sit and think about the losses. I moved on immediately with both and refused to let the situation get me down but I do worry that at...
  5. Annie050408

    Just ordered

    30 OPKs and 20 HPTs :dance: Let the TTC commence. Btw for all who don't know me I have 1 daughter who is 1 year old and had a mc in July at 6 weeks and a mmc at 11 weeks which was removed last week by D&C. :dust: to everyone. x
  6. Annie050408

    All the TTC ladies, all the TTC ladies.....

    (in the style of Beonce) Woah uh oh whoa uh oh, whoa uh ho, oh uh oh! Throw your hands up in the air if you're a :poas:
  7. Annie050408

    Feeling hopeful for next time after a 2nd mc

    A few (slightly cheesy Michael Buble) lyrics I just heard on the radio -I know it's not about losing a bub or a baby to be but I like to think of it as a wish for my sticky-baby-to-be. x I'm not surprised, not everything lasts I've broken my heart so many times, I stopped keeping track Talk...
  8. Annie050408

    2nd early scan tomorrow

    Not sure I really belong in 1st tri anymore after my scan last week but I have a 2nd early scan tomorrow to find out whether as I suspect I have had a mmc or whether in fact against the odds a little bub has decided to present themselves. Will update. x
  9. Annie050408

    If I find out at my next scan that I have mc again....

    ...what are my options? Last time I mc naturally at 6 weeks but this time I'll be 8-9 weeks and I've had no pain or bleeding so I fear it may not expel naturally. I don't fancy having a D&C from what I've heard but what are the alternatives?
  10. Annie050408

    4D scan on Groupon

    Just saw this and thought that some of you ladies based in the South might be interested. x
  11. Annie050408

    Early scan tomorrow.....nervous..... early scan is tomorrow morning - DH and I are going to arrive just before 8.30am and I think they do the first one at 9am (it's a sit and wait system) so we are hoping to be first. I'm nervous and excited as I am genuinely hopeful to see a little heartbeat and a little bean but have...
  12. Annie050408

    For all those squinting at lines - what are the best/worst tests

    Ok, so I thought I'd do a thread about this as I know the pain of squinting at a test and willing a line to be there and being unsure about the pinkness etc.... In my humble opinion, these are the best tests without a shadow of a doubt - they are the ones used at the hospital and I was given...
  13. Annie050408

    Another early scan question for those who had them

    Last Monday my doctor said she would refer me to EPU for a scan in the first week of Sept which I'm assuming is this week coming or next week. Should I expect a letter from EPU or a call? How soon did you get your appointment through? I thought I'd have heard something by now but don't want to...
  14. Annie050408

    Is anyone else struggling to get excited?

    I am really struggling to feel excited about being pregnant - I suspect that it is my way of emotionally protecting myself until I know all is well. Also as Ella will only be 18 months when the next bub is born I have pretty much everything so not sure how I'll stoke that excitement I had...
  15. Annie050408

    Ladies who have mc in the past: What did you say to get your early scan?

    As you know I am now preg following mc and the doc a couple of weeks was nice but kinda dismissive and although he has promised me an early scan, I'll be around 9 weeks by the time that happens and it feels too long. I've got an appointment with another doc this morning at 11:30am - I want...
  16. Annie050408

    We've chosen our names :)

    I don't want to tempt fate but we've decided on our names: If we have a boy he will be called Leo Oliver. If we have a girl she will be called Lottie Grace. What do you think (although we're not changing them even if people don't like them! lol)?
  17. Annie050408

    When did you get your scan/ booking appointment date through?

    I've known I am pregnant for 2 weeks now and went to the docs over a week ago to let them know but after my miscarriage they didn't even take any details and asked me to go back again when I am 8 weeks for them to do an EPU referral. I'm not sure they've done anything regarding registering me...
  18. Annie050408

    I think I'm losing my bean :(

    I think it's happening again :( I've been having loads of symptoms but generally been feeling pretty off today and crampy and I decided to do my last CBD to reassure myself and where last week it said 2-3, this time it said 1-2- meaning the hormone is dropping. I'm not sure whether or not to...
  19. Annie050408

    For those with other children.

    How are you managing? I am soooooooo tired all the time and just want to sleep. Poor Ella - I have no energy for her at the moment to take her out and do fun things. Don't get me wrong, I am still doing things with her, I just feel like flopping down pretty much all day every day. :(
  20. Annie050408

    Comparing last time to this time

    I am constantly looking to ensure that this pregnancy is different to the last one and therefore hopefully a successful one. I can't help it although it's driving me a little crazy! I know I have more symptoms this time but I still can't get too attached in case it all goes wring again. I...