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  1. louise280981

    lin & leo baby bag

    i know its a long :lol: but just wondered if anyone is looking to sale there lovely lin & leo changing bag in brown or tan would consider another colour. willing to pay a good price as know how pricey they are new many thanks
  2. louise280981

    Lily madge 22/11/10 with photo

    Well i have finally managed to put lily down and stop looking at her for 5 mins:cloud9::cloud9: i went in to early labour the day before had mild backache but still found myself cleaning the whloe house, moving sofa, cleaning cooker etc :lol: we decided to go out instead of just waiting at home...
  3. louise280981

    baby is here!!!!

    had a little girl Lily 8lb 6oz yesterday at 9.05am did rub my belly in front of the full moon :lol: so shocked really thought we was having a boy but so so happy thanks for everyones help and advice will add photos and birth story soon good luck to all the other november mums to be xxx
  4. louise280981

    happy dute day to me!!

    well the day i have been counting down to is finally here :dance: still doesnt feel real that im going to have a baby!! had enough of phone calls and texts already :wall2: had loads of signs but still waiting show last tuesday, spotting of blood 2 days ago, loads of period pains, backache and...
  5. louise280981

    worried i could be in labour and im on my own!!

    OH is on a night shift till 8am :mad: all day i have been having period type pains and just felt abit under the weather. when i saw the midwife today as she was feeling baby she said she could feel contractions didnt think anything of it and put it down to braxton hicks!! since 7ish the...
  6. louise280981

    NEWS kylies baby has arrived!!!

    :dance::dance: congratulations kylie :dance::dance: just got a text Only just got to my phone, was back at hospital at 6 last night. only 3cm then in an hour shot to 8cm and i needed to push. he was born at 10.05pm last night. Few stitches, baby jack weighing 8lbs 6oz look forward to...
  7. louise280981

    november is here

    :dance: its our mouth november bumps :dance: cant believe its here already we will soon be holding our little ones really soon i hope just in time for christmas!!! x
  8. louise280981

    like someone is stabbing you up your lady bits??

    :shock::shock: sorry but doesnt anyone else have this its so so painful dont remember it with the over 2 it kind of takes your breath away
  9. louise280981

    UPDATED cant wait till tomz!!!

    going for my scan to see if the placenta had moved, fingers crossed it has!! really cant wait to see bubs for the last time on the screen and to think the next time he/she will be in my arms :dance::dance:
  10. louise280981


    ok i know with my daughter i had a show about a week before she arrived and with my son i cant remember!! i ended up in hospital for the day last week as i was having strong period pains and watery discharge they were happy to let me go home and said that my waters hadnt gone and could be...
  11. louise280981

    updated Annie050408 BABY IS HERE!!! WITH PHOTO!!!

    wait till you hear this ladies how amazing is this ELLA SOPHIA WAS BORN AT 10.30AM WITH NO PAIN RELIEF!!!!!!!! go annie no pain relief:dance::dance: so so happy for you both, she def didnt wanna wait to meet you both xx got a photo going to get that on asap x
  12. louise280981

    special deliveries might be worth watching!!

    havnt watched it myself yet its broadcast in ireland but you can watch it on bbc i player first episodes last night 5 in total i enjoy watching anything about labour and new babies
  13. louise280981

    UPDATE a text from annie050408

    bless annie050408 only just got up and saw your text so sorry didnt reply sooner ( tired after my time in hospital) text from annie says hi hon, had a watery bleed, am on my way to hospital in an ambulance. Bubs has moved since so hopefully all ok. will keep you updated x what a worry lovely...
  14. louise280981

    UPDATE IM HOME -off to hospital - advice on braxton hicks or something else??

    wondered if someone could give me some advice last night i was having a really strong pulling pain in my lady bits :lol: and stomach pains but nothing to painful just thought it was braxton hicks anyway in the night OH said i was moaning about the pains in my sleep and this morning and...
  15. louise280981

    jumping in 2 days early

    cant wait any long so decided to pop in now to say :wave: cant believe im at the final stage only feels like i was showing off my bfp the other day!! look forward to sharing the final stage of pregnancy with you all and the even more exciting part labour watch :dance:
  16. louise280981

    i have made it to..

    V DAY!!!!! :yay::yay::dance::dance: im so happy that little one would be given a chance now if anything should happen
  17. louise280981

    free reusable shopping bag!!

    not many colour left but very handy for food shopping
  18. louise280981

    Any one felt this early on?

    it feels like i cant breath and my chest is really tight!! im have too sit up as much as i can or stand up just so i can breath comfortable is this normal cant remember having this with the other 2 but my bump is quite high up
  19. louise280981

    20week scan tomz

    really looking forward too it and so excited but also going to be strange not finding out the sex i know it will be worth the surprise in the end but is going to be hard not asking or trying to look do i need to say i dont wanna know, do then scan down that end? as really dont wanna see...
  20. louise280981

    just some advice

    today i have had a really bad headache so have just been relaxing out of the sun and drinking plenty but i have also been getting bright yellow dots in front of my eyes is this something to worry about?? blood pressure? or just tiredness many thanks