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  1. ERIN84

    Draw Something...

    I connect through Facebook too. Go into the settings and youll find your username x
  2. ERIN84

    Draw Something...

    Your very good at drawing!!!!!!!!
  3. ERIN84

    Draw Something...

    Sorry, it's Ewallace84
  4. ERIN84

    Draw Something...

    That's strange??????
  5. ERIN84

    Draw Something...

    I'm ewallace24. I'm Addicted but have no idea how to add people etc...
  6. ERIN84

    I think its over

    I'm really sorry to read this x
  7. ERIN84

    l_Maclean labour watch ***baby is here*****

    Can't believe I missed this! Congratulations. She's beautiful!!! Xxx
  8. ERIN84

    MMC at 14 weeks devasted *very very long post*

    Oh gosh. Im so sorry. Bet your fed up of hearing that now. Xxxx
  9. ERIN84

    Washing LOs hair..

    How often do you do it? E hates having her hair washed so it's s real challenge :-(
  10. ERIN84

    ear piercing, what age?

    I feel quite strongly about this.... I would NEVER allow Emily to have them done before 12.
  11. ERIN84

    Iriki's Water Birth

    What a fantastic story. Well done and welcome to the world little Chloe :-) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. ERIN84

    Depression support thread

    Oh Helen :-( I don't know what to say Hun. Wish I lived nearer ! Xxxxx
  13. ERIN84

    Presents for oh

    We are going on holiday in march so just spending about £25 on eachother. Putting the rest towards our holiday :-)
  14. ERIN84

    Princess81 UPDATE - PEA IS HERE ** PICTURE ON PG 18 - YAY! xx

    Jayne, he is beautiful!!! You and D must be so happy :-) x
  15. ERIN84

    Princess81 UPDATE - PEA IS HERE ** PICTURE ON PG 18 - YAY! xx

    Still no photo :-(. Come on Jayne, we need to see him!
  16. ERIN84

    Princess81 UPDATE - PEA IS HERE ** PICTURE ON PG 18 - YAY! xx

    Can't wait to see pics of him! :-)
  17. ERIN84

    Princess81 UPDATE - PEA IS HERE ** PICTURE ON PG 18 - YAY! xx

    Me too! Hope all is well
  18. ERIN84

    Princess81 UPDATE - PEA IS HERE ** PICTURE ON PG 18 - YAY! xx

    I wanna go to bed but dont Want to miss an announcement!!!! Good luck Jayne!!!!!! Xxx
  19. ERIN84

    Princess81 UPDATE - PEA IS HERE ** PICTURE ON PG 18 - YAY! xx

    Come on pea!!!!! I'm so excited for Jayne and her OH :-) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk