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  • Users: Blob
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  1. Blob

    I feel like such a fool

    Awww thats so cruel :hug:
  2. Blob

    Baby Ella's dramatic arrival!!

    :shock: Wow Congratulations thats amazing!!!!!
  3. Blob


    Most people i konw who've had sensitive and 'erect' :oops: nipples is cos they're preggers :dust: Good Luck!!!
  4. Blob

    feeling down

    :hug: Yea i feel as though its never going to start...although even though i'm meant to be TTC we havent even tried yet :cry: Hope you feel better soon :dust:
  5. Blob

    waiting to get married??

    We were waiting but now since we moved tha date to the 27th Feb we can try now :rofl: Though since my dress is TINY its going to look really silly if i do somehow get preggers :lol: We had always decided to start trying 8-12 weeks before the wedding...
  6. Blob

    Yay... the 2ww thread! come join in ;)

    Good Luck!!! :dust: :dust: :dust:
  7. Blob

    help im in tears!

    :hug: Awwww hun dont panic, i wouldnt trust anything until you've spoken to your doctor. :hug:
  8. Blob

    Can you 'feel' pregnant?

    I just 'knew' with Tabs too, i had no symptoms at all though i just had dreams that i was :rofl:
  9. Blob

    I'm not ovulating!

    :hugs: Everyone has given you tons of advice nothing for me to put, :dust:
  10. Blob

    so confused

    Its really hard to tell hun, cos we all symptom spot when we're trying so even the smallest thing you jump on. It sounds positive so i really hope it is for you, but all you can really do is test and if its :bfn: and she still hasnt arrived then test again. :dust: Good Luck :dust:
  11. Blob

    some advise please girls

    Good Luck :dust:
  12. Blob

    Long periods??

    Katy did it take you ages?? I'm just kinda going with the flow and not worrying about it too much just now :)
  13. Blob

    Long periods??

    :rofl: Eeeek hopefully its same for you again then :)
  14. Blob

    Long periods??

    Yea i'm so scared i just dont know how long and hard its going to be :cry:
  15. Blob

    What kind of names do you like?

    :) There were only 8 Tabitha's born in Scotland :yay: I LOVE unusual but not weird names... I cant wait to hear your name either :lol:
  16. Blob

    Long periods??

    Yea i'm not getting my hopes up though my OH keeps saying oh it will be easy :(
  17. Blob

    Long periods??

    She was a surprise :lol: But i'd only had one period in 5 years by then :lol: So was all kinda confusing...Took my mum 4 years though so i'm not expecting anything :)
  18. Blob

    What kind of names do you like?

    Whats Tabitha??? I'm not sure how old it is...though i'm sure its in the bible somewhere...but i have noooooo idea :rofl:
  19. Blob

    Long periods??

    :rofl: Yea i'll try and remind myself of that 6months down the line :lol:
  20. Blob

    Pregnancy Tests - Did you keep yours?

    I took pics cos i only used digis and they ran out of life :(