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  1. L

    just wanna cry or scream :(

    dunno how much more i can take, little man has been swapped onto lactose free milk but he just wont drink a full 7oz bottle like his last milk he maanages 4oz max and thats when he is starving and screaming for it, he just keeps crying and refusing to drink anymore milk and its really stressing...
  2. L

    Weird kid lol

    these kids do weird things but very cute!! here is a few of alfie falling asleep anywere xx
  3. L

    Weigh in today for Harry

    i wouldnt worry too much hun as i have nieces and nephews that were quite big born one at 11lb 1oz and they didnt gain loads of weight as apaarently bigger babies dont they eventually even out if that makes sense its smaller babies that have bigger weight gains Alfie 7lb 6.5 born 3weeks 8lb...
  4. L

    Formula and how much?

    hey hun dont worry bout his op putting him behind as they always catch up, alfie was a greedy little thing and was on 6oz every 2hrs then at 6 weeks this went up to 7oz!! at 7 weeks he changed completly to a happy to go 3-4 hrs baby on 7oz :) but thats changing again coz his new milk, max he...
  5. L

    on our holidays

    Well we have arrived at our destination brean in somerset :) Alfie first holiday ever at 9 weeks old and he was brilliant slept for the 2 hrs car journey :) lets just hope weather stays nice as back home it was vile xx
  6. L

    How do you count yours???

    well if were counting from established labour mine was speedy :) 4cm dilated at 19:25 baby born at 20;12 so 47 mins in total :) x
  7. L

    Operation cot

    he is probably enjoyin the space as he can spread out lol but yay riven xx
  8. L

    results are in :(

    thanks and i get what you mean yea i have searhed and its gets more expensive other places for the same little tin of milk, but have decided if it work im going back to see a women doctor as that always works and ask her for prescription because of the cost and being on £100 pw maternity £16...
  9. L

    results are in :(

    well having pestering the doc last week for our results to get nothing, go back today an they were actually ready on the 19th june but the hospital couldnt be bothered to post them on the docs computers!! well anyway it turns out Alfie does have a slight lactose intolerence :( the results...
  10. L

    Dropping the Dummy!!!!! anyone tried it?

    when i done my 2 although older it was easier to drop the day first, and when they got used to being without it in the day i took it off them at bedtime too and they never really noticed hope you sort it xxx
  11. L

    am i wrong to be annoyed

    i totally know how you feel as MIL as been on at me since he was 5 weeks old to put rusk in his bottle as thats what they did in her day!! just because he was really greedy and demanding, but i ignored her as he was oblviuosly too young and we hit week 7 and he has now settled into a nice 3-4...
  12. L

    My little superstar

    yay well done Riven, and well done mummy and daddy for persevering and getting through the last few weeks :) hope your all well hun, not been on for a few days so just catching up xx
  13. L

    Dropping the Dummy!!!!! anyone tried it?

    its hard to take away something they have become attached too so try and do it gradually instead of all at the same time, but i totally understand the sleep thing my first 2 had dummies and always woke for them a few times a night which was quite annoying tbh, and they only ever slept through...
  14. L

    Babys neck not so strong at 11 weeks?

    i think all baby develop at different rates from one another and are forward in some things and not in others, My LO had his 8 week check last week and dr said his head control was really good for an 8 weeker and that many 12 weekers cant hold it that way, his head is on the top line 98th...
  15. L

    Hate huggies nappies!!

    i dont hate you, i like huggies a lot too have had a few problems but only in beginning when they were big round the legs and have just moved to size 3 and had a leaky night time one the other night!! but he is 8 n half weeks and never had leaks in nite before pampers do smell tbh, thats why i...
  16. L

    Fifty shades of grey anyone??

    haha lol now i understand why its not beleivable, its yet to arrive but i will see what i think when it comes x
  17. L

    7 week long growth spurt??

    thanks well i posted this yesterday and last nite he actually slept thru didnt think it would happen that quick but it was so nice to get a good sleep xx
  18. L

    Yayy and Grr

    well my Alfie slept thru the nite last nite he went down at 8 and slept til 5.30 just as daddy was getting up to fishing :) i was so happy as when i think back just over a week ago we was up 3 times a night and i never thought this moment would happen so :yay:Alfie mummy loves you xxx but now...
  19. L

    7 week long growth spurt??

    aww bless ya it was hard work but we got there, and riven had a bit of a rough start but dont ou worry he will catch up and comme thru it all like nothing ever happened :) x
  20. L

    anyone have tons of ultrasound and used a doppler?

    hey hun i wouldnt worry too much i had 11 scans in total and my LO is fine :) x