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  1. F


    I generaly have crispy shredded chilli beef and plain noodle's :D
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    Added Mine :)
  3. F

    Pressure Down Below **UPDATE**

    updated ladies :)
  4. F

    Its so quiet in here today...

    Im here hun but il be going to see the MW in a bit. See if she can tell me about this throbbing and horrid pressure down below. She did think when i called that it might be a varicose vein down there :lol:
  5. F


    Wish i had your energy hun but i really do feel pant's :( Ive not slept a wink all night due to feeling really uncomfy down below i did post in here asking. I was meant to be going out today but not sure if i can face a trip shopping now. :cry:
  6. F

    Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

    Hey ladies i hope your all keeping well. :) :hug: Has anybody else been getting/had this like a pressure down below and really achy throbbing lady bits? I cant believe how uncomfy it is. Ive had these on and off all night and its driving me nuts and getting me all worried hence why i was...
  7. F

    Pressure Down Below **UPDATE**

    Has anybody else been getting this like a pressure down below and really achy throbbing lady bits? I cant believe how uncomfy it is ive had these on and off all night and its driving me nuts and getting me all worried hence why im still wide awake :( I did call the MW and she rekoned it could...
  8. F

    Tested today and..........

    Thats great new's hun :cheer: I wish you both all the best for the next 9 month's! :cheer: :hug:
  9. F

    Ssshhh ive been naughty

    That's lovely mel :D
  10. F

    Rubbish! The sickness came back today!

    Have some of these hun :hug: :hug: :hug: Although even at 32 + weeks i still have the odd days of the dreadful sicky feeling. :(
  11. F

    to test or not to test ....

    Test for sure!!!! :cheer:
  12. F

    Prenatal Vitamins

    Ive been taking pregnacare and still do i dont mind paying full price for them but ive been getting some great offers on them when they've been on offer in either morrisons or sainsbury's. :)
  13. F

    Baby boy born 11/02

    Well done hun :cheer: He's beautiful!! :cheer: :hug:
  14. F

    2nd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

    You all have lovely bump's ladies!!!! :cheer: :hug:
  15. F

    What Music Player do you use?

    I have i tunes and windows media player. :)
  16. F

    3rd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

    Lovely bump hun. :)
  17. F

    Do you Download Legally?

    I have limewire to download from and don't pay for it :oops:
  18. F

    Feeling guilty...

    Oh hun dont feel bad at all pregnancy is very tiring and draining at times. Im finding it hard with my 2 and being pregnant certainly isnt easy. Your a fab mum im sure and think in 2 weeks youl have your other little bundle which will make it all worthwhile. :hug: :hug: :hug:
  19. F

    Can i join you?

    Heyt here kelly hun :wave: Welcome to the wonderful and ever so scary tri 3!!!! :lol: I admit i first thought time was dragging and now look i only have 8 wks left :shock:
  20. F

    Ex chartstalkers pg or just taking a break!

    Hey ladies i hope your all ok. Sorry i don't post much always feel out of place posting in here :oops: Anyhow i wanted to ask i had my MW app yesterday and all was ok but when she measured me i was measuring behind. At my last app 28 wks i was spot on 28cm yesterday @ 32 wks bubs was still...