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  • Users: Flossy82
  • Content: Threads
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  1. F

    Pressure Down Below **UPDATE**

    Has anybody else been getting this like a pressure down below and really achy throbbing lady bits? I cant believe how uncomfy it is ive had these on and off all night and its driving me nuts and getting me all worried hence why im still wide awake :( I did call the MW and she rekoned it could...
  2. F

    My 32 Week Bump Picture

    Hey ladies ive taken another bump picture today @ 32 weeks + 1 day and to compare my last one @ 29 weeks i don't really see much difference what do you think? :) 29 Weeks 32 Weeks + 1 Day
  3. F

    Measuring Small

    Hey ladies just wanted to ask at my last MW (28wks) appointment i was measuring correct for my dates when i seen her today im still measuring exactly the same (28) and not (32). is there any reason to be woried at all? I know my other 2 lo's were small at birth which was why they scanned me...
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    Weird Sensation

    When i went to the toilet earlier id been there a while im a bit (constiapated i think) tmi :oops: but suddenly i felt this weird sensation like something slithering out from inbetween my leg's i did look in the toilet but as we have a blue sistern block and there was loo paper in there i...
  5. F

    1 More Baby To Go!

    Eeeeeek :shock: How on earth did that happen without me noticing!! :lol: Seem to be getting closer all the time to meeting grace. :cheer:
  6. F

    Feeling Down

    Im still feeling so uncomfy in my front and back feel just like when AF's here its the only way i can think of it. Its probably sometihng and nothing but its making me feel pants with myself :(
  7. F

    Feeling So Uncomfy

    Ive felt really uncomfy all day with backache and a really uncomfy feeling into my groin area (if thats how you word it ) sorry im no good at trying to explain any ieas what it might be ladies? Looks like another restless night. :(
  8. F

    Cheesey Music!

    Ok ladies dont laugh but im currently here dancing along to some cheesey music (black lace - agadoo) with my little girl! :lol: So what's your favourite cheesey song if any.....?! :lol: BTW i dont make a habbit of doing this and do have better music on here! :rotfl:
  9. F


    Ok ladies i need to ask something here i was measured on thursday to check my bra size and to my shock id gone up a bra size and cup size from a 32DD to a 34E :shock: Normaly id wear underwired one's as i prefer them much better. But the lady reccomended the nursing bra's they had in as im...
  10. F

    Definately A Girl LOL

    Ok the sonographer from my 4d scan gave us this picture to definately prove she was a girl :lol: (I was having thought's she wouldnt be) But needn't worry now! :rotfl:
  11. F

    Babies Position

    Ladies sorry if this sounds dumb but from my scan yesterday ive been trying to work out how she is laying. The sonographer said she's facing my back and has circled on the well being checklist with the head in a downward position laying to the right. Whats the term for this called? If you get...
  12. F

    Grace's 4D Scan Picture's

    Wow is all i can say im absolutely chuffed to bits. :D Having this done was the best money we've ever spent and to be able to see grace this way was amazing. We were there for 1hr 45 minute's and we got 8 b/w thermal 4d picture's , and on CD we got 34 images incl 1 movie image. Anyhow here are...
  13. F


    Omg i swear my minds getting worse :lol: Earlier on this afternoon i had to go and get DS from school which is about a 20 minute walk from my house so i came out with my DD in her pushchair locked the door and took the key's out (so i thought) :roll: Anyway when we got home i was looking in my...
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    Weight Gain

    I done the awful thing of weighing myself today and so far ive gained 2 stone and i have another 11 and a bit weeks left. I thought hubby was joking when he said my bump and my bum is getting bigger aswell as other place's. Itl teach me for over indulging. :(
  15. F


    Im starting to get fed up of this now :( Im not sleeping overly great at night if it isnt up for going to the toilet very hour or so i sometimes lay there awake for a while and when i do fall asleep its not for long. Im so shattered now im falling asleep and its only 2pm in the afternoon. Ive...
  16. F

    Kian Thomas - Baby Kmac (Picture)

    Posted on behalf of reallyoldmum :D :hug: Well done Kmac what a little sweety baby kian is :hug:
  17. F

    Flowers For Sara **EDIT 1st Post **

    Hey all myself and anna were thinking of sending some flowers to sara as she is having a bad time of it atm with being in hospital and not being so good and with the possibility of baby ellie being delivered early. We were thinking if any of you would like to contribute towards getting her some...
  18. F

    Hello, Room For A Little One

    Hello ladies of tri 3!!! Well here i am :cheer: on the last leg of the journey now until we meet grace. :D
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    Last Day In Tri 2

    As for tommorrow im off to the scary 3rd tri! :shock: Im scared and excited at the same time as we are now on the last leg to meeting grace. :cheer: I want to thank all you lovely ladies in here for all your kind words and advice. And i hope to see a few of you joining me in the next few...
  20. F

    Yay FBB!!!

    Woohooo im on the FBB!!!! Another 2 days to go til tri 3 :shock: And 2 more babies to go til we meet grace!!!! :cheer: